Issue #17 - The Masquerade Ball

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After that strange incident a whole week passed without hearing a single thing. Sophie seemed to calm down from the encounter with Mother Wasp, and we returned to our daily schedule of coffee-sipping and tv-watching.

Until on that day a full week later when a knock resounded on the door. Sophie stared at the door as I stood up and walked over, peeking through the eyehole to see that it was, in fact, the boss.

I opened the door with an uneasy grin. "Hey, come on in."

"Why thank you, dearie." Mother Wasp smiled, walking into the room. She seemed unbothered about Sophie's intense gaze. "I do hope your wounds have healed up nicely?"

"Yes, they have." I nodded.

"Perfect. Because it's time to finally make my official debut." Mother Wasp grinned. "All the preparations have been set, and you, my little worker wasp, get the honor of accompanying me."

"" I asked, worried about getting involved with a straight up villain debut. Especially considering that Mother Wasp has been prepping for this, I highly doubt she's a simple villain of the week.

"Why, yes." Mother Wasp smirked. "Have you heard of the annual Masquerade Ball? It's an event for those of the highest cache..."

She got close, slowly trailing one of her fingers down my arm. I felt myself involuntarily shiver from the light feeling.

"...and this year it is being held by Stromford Industries." She continued. "And even better, Mr. Killian Stromford will be there himself."

"What do you need me to do?" I asked.

"Isn't is obvious?" She smirked once more, leaning in close. "I need you to be my date."

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

No, seriously, what is going on?

Times like these I wish you could pause real life.

"We're infiltrating the ball dear, keep up." She playfully smiled. "Or you could refuse my job. But that means you'd lose out on quite the amount of money..."

She leaned in, blowing into my ear. "...and another reward~"

She leaned back with a smirk as Sophie was now standing next to me, her arms wrapped around one of mine as she stared at Mother Wasp.

"Your little friend here would have to stay behind, however." Mother Wasp stated. "It's invite only, and I pulled quite the strings to get me and my 'partner' able to infiltrate."

This, this could be dangerous.

"I do not recommend taking the job, Master." Sophie stated, staring at Mother Wasp as she kept the protective grip around my arm.

"Don't get in the way, robot." Mother Wasp replied. "I only tolerate you because you're useful to my favorite henchman."

Sparks flew between the two of them as they stared at each other.

"Can I ask a few questions, boss?" I requested.

"Go ahead." Mother Wasp smiled.

"Respectfully, how much are we talking?" I asked. "I trust it's a good sum, but I'd still prefer to know around how much."

"Triple the amount of the Stromford North Facility job." Mother Wasp stated.

You're kidding. You're actually kidding.

She has to be tricking me. That much?! I'll be set for a good half of a year at least!

"Okay. One other question." I nodded. "Can we bring my partner here as backup? She could be on a nearby roof, and if things somehow go south, she could greatly help us."

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