Issue #46 - A Tale Of Two Brothers

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I wasn't lying when I said I didn't have memories from over a year ago.

But that's not because of amnesia.

Let's go back to the beginning readers.

My beginning.

The first ever time I opened my eyes I was greeted to a warped view of a lab. I was floating inside of a large tube filled with liquid, staring at multiple scientists that looked at me in wonder and shock.

This was the moment I was born.

It was weird. I knew of the world. I knew of things such as trees and grass, what scientists are, and what a lab looks like, for example.

But any personal memories were nonexistent. I was a completely blank slate, and I knew that upon the first time I opened my eyes.

"He's alive!" One of them gasped.

"I did it! I knew it would work!" Cackled one, pressing his face against the glass as he looked at me with an exaggerated grin of glee. He had scruffy brown hair, blue eyes, and a name tag that said "Dr. Vandercourt".

My creator.

"Get him out." Ordered my creator, who I would eventually learn was named Vincent. "Throw him in with the hero. Now that it's worked I need to plan what to experiment next."

He walked off, leaving the other scientists to pull me out of the tank, dry me off, and get me dressed. I let them do everything without resistance, having utterly no clue or idea what was going on.

They dragged me over to a different place in the building, a locked room with no windows, a singular light bulb, and a toilet. It looked like a prison room.

They tossed me in, locking the door behind me. I hit the ground, a light pain stinging my body for the first time. I laid there for a moment, unmoving, before a voice entered my ears.

"Holy shit." The voice gasped.

I turned towards the sound, realizing that in the corner of the room was sitting a blonde man in his early twenties. He looked at me in shock with emerald green eyes.

"You look exactly like me." He stated, looking at me in amazement. "Or, mostly at least."

I simply stared at him, studying his features. Is that how I looked? I had no recollection of what I was even supposed to look like. I gazed at my body, looking at my hands, arms, legs, and feet for the first real time.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" He lightly smiled. "Hey, it's nice to meet you. You can call me Miracle."

He extended a hand out towards me.

I looked towards it, confused. I slowly moved my hand out, allowing him to grasp it and move our hands up and down.

I see. This is a handshake, is it not?

"I assume you're what they used my blood for then." He replied, looking up at the ceiling. "Damn, really shouldn't have gotten caught. I'm a hero, I'm not supposed to be in jail!"

He looked back at me, cracking a grin. "Can you tell me about yourself?"

"My...self?" I spoke for the first time, surprised by the sound of my own voice. It sounded exactly like the man I was talking with.

I patted my body, thinking to myself. But nothing came to mind. I simply looked at him, shaking my head in the motion used to signal a no. I even know that. It was like second nature, even though I had never performed the move before.

It was so strange.

"I kinda figured." Miracle sadly smiled. "No name, I assume?"

I shook my head once more.

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