Issue #64 - Eternal Light

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"I-uh, what...?" I questioned, looking up at Siren in confusion.

Stellar growled, flying towards Siren with her fist reared back. Siren glanced back, another song beautifully sung from her lips.

A wave of relaxation flooded over everyone, but it seemed to hit Stellar the hardest. She slowed through the air, landing back onto the ground. She glared up at Siren as her eyes started to droop, before she finally collapsed to the ground.

Okay readers, lemme put something in perspective for you.

Stellar is currently Champion City's strongest hero from strength alone. She is the city's rising star, the first prodigy to come after the original Champions.

But the Champions? They're known as the strongest superhero group to ever exist in this country. The reason why Stellar counts as the current strongest is a good part because most of the Champions aren't working anymore.

Justice Man is retired.

Luminosity retired when her successor, Stellar, finished her first year of superhero work.

Liongale perished and was the beginning of the end of the the legendary Champions.

Fortify still works today, however he's mostly defense based. As such, he's strongest when paired with others.

Medic is retired as a hero but still works to heal injured heroes. Basically he stepped down from the front lines.

And then Siren. I heard she had disappeared after Miracle did. The only reason why people didn't think she suffered the same fate as him was Luminosity confirming she still kept in contact with Siren.

And then, Siren returned. Hopefully you see why that's a huge freaking deal! And now that same, one of the strongest heroes ever, is cupping my face and staring at me with teary eyes.

I'm really gonna suffer this arc, aren't I? Can't we just go back to the interludes when I can play with a rubber duck in my tub...?

No? Ugh, fine...

"Oh my goodness..." Kasai brought her hands to her mouth in shock. "'s actually Siren! And she can use her power to target individuals? That's so interesting..."

And I forgot that Hikari was a big superhero fan with how she's been acting recently...

Siren's ability, as you can see, is to create different effects on other people using her voice. Depending on the tune she sings, she can bring about different outcomes.

This is why she was the first to be called the Rallying Hero. Because when with her team, she could sing during battle and boost all of their abilities among other things.

It's no surprise the person she decided to mentor was someone with a similar-esque power, Miracle with his boost.

"I would love to tell you more about it..." Siren smiled widely, looking towards Kasai. "...but this isn't the most appropriate place to do so. Let's get to my house before anyone else arrives."

"...what about her?" Kasai asked after a moment, nodding towards the sleeping Stellar.

"She'll wake up in a few minutes, so we should probably hurry." Siren innocently smiled.

Bloodwraith hooked an arm under Alexis' shoulder while Kasai got the other side, helping her up to her feet. Alexis grit her teeth, fighting back pain as the two helped her walk.

"I can do it." Sophie interjected, sweeping Alexis off of her feet and into a bridal carry. With Sophie's inhuman strength (cause she's a robot, get it?!) it wasn't a challenge for her at all.

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