Issue #58 - Familial Reunion

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(Bloodwraith POV)


Ever since then, I've found it beautiful.

The day I escaped.

The day I discovered...

Alarms blared through the building, an obnoxiously loud sound as they knew we were here. After sneaking in, it was much more difficult to stay hidden without my powers.

Oh, hold on, let me catch you up to speed real quick~!

Kasai and I partnered up. Kasai and I have infiltrated the new facility that dickhead Waverson bought. Kasai and I are committing murder.


The sharp tip of my umbrella stabbed into the guard's throat, pinning him to the wall. He stared at me with wide, horror-filled eyes, gurgling on his own blood. With a quick retreat of the umbrella, blood poured from his neck as he face planted onto the ground.

Another guard raised their gun, their shaking finger on the trigger. I opened my umbrella, moving it in front of me and reflecting the bullets shot into the ceiling.

As the bullets stopped another guard rushed me from behind with a knife. I quickly unopened my umbrella, grabbing it by the opposite side and using the hooked end of the handle to grab the man by his throat.

With a quick movement I flung him in the way of his fellow companion who started to shoot at me once more. Bullets riddled the guards body, sending him to the ground in a gorgeous heap of crimson liquid.

The other guard froze in a terrifying realization, and that moment of hesitation was all that was needed for his head to suddenly be disconnected from his body.

Kasai stood behind him, her bloodied blade already sheathed again. The guard's body collapsed, his head staring up with the frozen face of someone in terror, yet with eyes lifeless as they could come.

"You really know how to decapitate someone~" I smirked.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Kasai raised an eyebrow in response.

"Yes." I giggled, stepping over the bleeding, deceased bodies.

"Bloodwraith." Kasai stated. "Be cautious. The alarms started practically the moment we set foot in the building."

"What, you think they were expecting us?" I questioned.

"Either that, or someone immediately noticed the hallway camera you broke." Kasai replied.

"Eh, who cares?" I shrugged. "I don't really care as long as we send these miserable excuses for researchers six feet underground."

"We share that sentiment." Kasai stated. "But don't forget your powers still are suppressed."

Giving her an affirming nod, we continued our merry way down the hallway. It didn't take long for more guards to appear, and it didn't take long for them to die either.

The researchers tried barricading themselves into their lab rooms. Kasai decided to let a fire foster within the rooms and leave them to desperately struggle to undo their own barricades as the fires consumed them.

Her cruelty is truly wonderful~!

To think that a hero would be this fun to work with, I never would've thought~!

After all, I've never really felt much about heroes.

Other than-


Or maybe that's just my own jealousy speaking. Doesn't matter now! Now I have my precious Jason~!

Oh, how I can't wait to snuggle into your arms when I'm done with these vermin. I won't let Sophie stop me from cuddling with you all night long~

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