With child...

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It has been two months since Astrid and Hiccup were captured by Viggo. He wanted the Dragon Eye lenses. At first, Hiccup didn't want to give him these, but then Viggo took Astrid with him and did something bad to her. What exactly did Hiccup don't know. He just heard her screaming and crying for help. So Hiccup gave Viggo the lenses. But when he saw Astrid, his heart broke in thousand pieces.
Her cheeks were wet.
Her eyes were red.
And for every single move Viggo did, she winced. She was scared of him.

'What did he to her?!' Hiccup thought.

Astrid and Hiccup were at Hiccup's hut, cuddling. They have been betrothal for over one year. But since Viggo did something to her, she was acting weird.
"What did Viggo to you?" Astrid didn't look at his eyes. She couldn't.
"Astrid, please!" She began to sob. Hiccup felt bad, so he hugged her tighter. Suddenly, Astrid moved and looked him in the eyes.
"You remember when we went to Berk last week?" He nodded.
"I went do Gothi because I felt sick. After the examination, she said that I'm pregnant." She became even quieter.
"Astrid... but we never had it? You mean...?" She nodded.
"Yes. Back at the ship, Viggo raped me... He also said: 'we'll see,
if Hiccup is going to love you, when he knows that you are no longer a virgin'..." She lost her voice. Astrid began to cry silently.
"Astrid, it's gonna be fine." He put her on his lap, petting her back, calming.
"What are we going to do about the baby?"
"Do you want it?"
"No, I mean, yes, I mean, I don't know!" She sighed.
"I mean, I want to carry your child, Hiccup. Not the child of your enemy." Hiccup nodded in understanding. He hugged her tighter and kissed her forhead.
"Oh, and Astrid. Don't you ever think I do not love you. Because I do. And I always will. And I already love the child." Astrid looked at him with a smile and glassy eyes.
"I love you, too, Hiccup. And I know that the baby loves you too." She said sweet.

~seven months later~

Astrid and Hiccup were expecting their child soon. Astrid was lying in Hiccup's bed, petting her baby bumb. She was tired. But she still smiled. It was her baby. Her child. But not Hiccup's. This let her smile disappear.
"Hey. You're awake. How do you feel?" Astrid saw Hiccup. He came to her and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. The baby was kicking the whole time." She chuckled. Hiccup also chuckled.
He saw her in the eyes and kissed her. Astrid kissed him back. But not for long. She groaned.
"Astrid, what's wrong?"
"I think my water broke..." Hiccup stood up immediately. He laid some blankets under her. Astrid just groaned in pain.
"Hey, hey, hey! Look at me, Astrid. It's gonna be fine. I'm with you." Astrid just
"Okay. I'm gonna tell you when you're about to push. Allright?" She nodded again. Hiccup took off her boots and then her leggings. He noticed that Astrid's pain was getting worse. Because she almost screamed in pain.
"When should I start to push?"
"Not now. But soon."

~a few hours later~

"Astrid. Start pushing." And she did.
"Argh!" She screamed. Hiccup tried to calm her down, but he couldn't.

Suddenly, both heard a baby cry. Astrid pushed the last time.
"There she is." Hiccup said while putting the baby in Astrid's arms.
"It's a beautiful girl, Milady." Astrid just smiled at her daughter.
"What should we call her?" Astrid asked.
"Nikolija, maybe? Or short Nika?" Hiccup suggested.
"Yes, it's perfect. Nika Haddock. What do you think?"
"I think it's perfect. Just like you said." They kissed each other.

Nika was raised to a polite, kind, and nice girl. Her parents were so proud of her.

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