Show me your Scars

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Astrid was in her hut. She searched for her knife. This day went a dragon rescue mission wrong. Hiccup almost lost his life. Like the others.
Suddenly, Astrid heard a knock on her door.
"Astrid? Are you okay?" She heard her boyfriend's voice. Astrid was kinda nervous.
"Err... yeah. I am." Hiccup asked if he may come in.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" He asked.
"Um, well, after all what happened, I feel kinda tired. But just that." Astrid made a fake smile.
"Okay then." Hiccup took a step toward Astrid and kissed her forhead.
"Good night, Milady. Sleep well." He was about to leave her hut, but then suddenly, she called him.
"Hiccup, wait!" He turned around.
"I have to tell you something." Astrid walked to him and hugged him. When she felt his arms around her back, she began to cry.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" Hiccup was now confused.
"What are you sorry about?"
"You almost died out there, and I wasn't even able to help you. I almost lost you..."
"Oh, Astrid. I don't blame you for that. It wasn't your fault. You were scared, and that's normal. And you haven't lost me. Then I'm still here, with you." Astrid cried even more.
"Hiccup. T-there is something else I want to tell you..."
"What is it?" He asked worried.
"I never told you that I-I..." She obviously couldn't speak. It broke his heart to see her like that.
"Astrid, please. Just say it! You're killin' me!" Hiccup yelled at her. Astrid broke the hug and took a few steps back.
"A-Astrid. I-I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry." He said, guilt in his eyes. She saw it. But she was shocked.
"Hiccup. Could you just... leave me alone? Please?" Astrid sounded so disappointed. Hiccup sighed.
"Yeah, sure. Good night." His sad voice made her almost cry again. And after he was gone, she cried. So did Hiccup. He was in his hut and crying. How could he be so stupid and yell at her?! He just laid on his bed and buried his face in his pillow.
"I messed up. I shouldn't yell at her. I was so stupid." He hit with his fist against the pillow. Hiccup heard something. He lifted his pillow and found a sheet of paper. It was a drawing of Astrid he made a year ago. It showed his divine beauty by the sunset with the betrothal necklace. Her ocean blue eyes and her sweet smile. Every day anew he falls in love with her. Hiccup looked at it when he heard a knock on his door.
"It's open!" He shouted. He heard food steps, and soon, he saw her. She stood in front of his bed.
Hiccup sat up and pointed at a free place for Astrid to sit.
"Come here." His voice was calm and quiet. Astrid sat beside him.
"Hiccup, I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. You wanted to be alone because I yelled at you. I understand that."
"No, Hiccup. It's not because of you. Every time someone yells at me, it reminds me of my parents who always yelled and hit me. They hit me for every single mistake I did. Now, they're dead, but I still hurt myself for every mistake." She removed her straps around her arms so Hiccup could see the scars. They were so many, big and small ones.
"I wanted to do it again today. And then you came in. I'm sorry."
"A-Astrid... Why?" A tear rolled down his cheek.
"I don't know. I just felt better when I did it. This feeling was like drugs for me. It let me calm down. These scars remind me how many mistakes I made in my life. Almost all of them on my arms were from me. My parents wiped me mostly on my back, my belly and my thighs." Astrid said with almost no emotion. Hiccup, instead, cried the whole time. He couldn't believe it. Astrid had such a bad and sad childhood. How could they be so mean to a wonderful creature like her. Astrid wasn't just a girl. She was, no, is a Goddess. His Goddess.
Hiccup hugged her and pulled her on his lap. Astrid looked now directly into Hiccup's eyes. He pulled her suddenly into a kiss. Then, he kissed each scar on her arms. And so began a big make out session.

Soon, both were loosing their clothes until they were naked. Hiccup was lying on top of Astrid, kissing the scars on her belly. Only the scars on her thighs are left. Often, he looked up, to see his fiance with the head leaned back and enjoying his touches. His kisses. His love.

Suddenly, Astrid felt something beside her. It was a piece of paper. She looked at it. It was her.
"Hiccup?" Astrid managed to say something without moaning.
"Why do you need a drawing of me, if you have me here in real?" She joked, still shivering when Hiccup hands ran up and down her sides.
"This drawing I take with me to every battle. I always have it with me, everywhere I go. I brings me luck, you know. And happiness. Because every time, I see you smile, I still have hope." Hiccup said and kissed her in passion.

That night, they had their first time. It was wonderful. The next morning, they woke up in each other's arms.

And this night, they made a mistake which might change their lives forever...

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