Schatten und Licht des Lebens

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The moon, a silent confidant in the night's embrace,

Rain, a soothing solace, its gentle grace.

Life feels a hell, a turmoil within,

Daylight, a haunting nightmare, where fears begin.

Sleep, my sanctuary, where solace gleams,

Death, a distant dream in my endless streams.

Happiness, a mirage, fleeting and brief,

Emptiness, the stark truth, beyond belief.

The moon's gentle glow, a constant guide,

Rain's soft patter, a haven, my inside.

Life's torment, the day's relentless strife,

Sleep's peaceful refuge, the thread of life.

Death's elusive allure, a beckoning call,

Happiness, an illusion, transient and small.

Emptiness, the truth, in moments spare,

A reality that echoes, when life's not fair.

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