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In the grand kingdom of Kuntibhoj, the air was filled with excitement, for it was the swayamvar of their dear princess, Pritha.

The palace grounds were adorned with vibrant flowers, intricately designed tapestries, and colorful banners that fluttered in the gentle breeze. The sun cast a warm glow, illuminating the exquisite architecture of the palace.

The entrance to the kingdom was marked by towering arches, draped in luxurious fabrics and adorned with fragrant blossoms. Guards dressed in resplendent uniforms stood at attention, welcoming the distinguished royal and noble guests who arrived in intricately decorated chariots and on horseback.

As the guests entered the main hall, they were greeted by the sweet melodies of musicians playing traditional instruments. The hall itself was a marvel of architecture, with high ceilings and intricate carvings that depicted scenes from ancient myths and legends.

The throne for the king and queen was elevated, overlooking the proceedings, while rows of finely decorated seats accommodated the honored guests. Competing kingdoms had sent their most eligible princes, crown-princes and kings, each eager to display his prowess and win the favor of the princess, who was famous for her righteous conduct.

Among the guests, there lingered an undercurrent of rivalry, as they all vied for the hand of the beautiful and noble Kunti, and the tension was palpable.

Soon the princess of Kuntibhoj made her grand entrance. She descended a majestic staircase, adorned in resplendent attire that shimmered in the fading sunlight. The gathered suitors were captivated by her beauty, and the air was thick with the unspoken challenge that lay ahead.

As she came and sat down on an adorned throne, King Kuntibhoj stood up and addressed all the participants, welcoming them.

Meanwhile, Pritha's eyes sparkled with a blend of excitement and uncertainty. She gazed around the arena, looking at all those who desired to win her hand.

Nobles and warriors from various kingdoms stood tall, each vying for her favor. Their colorful attire and polished armor added a rich tapestry of diversity to the gathering.

As the princess surveyed the crowd, her eyes fell upon a figure that stood out among the rest, a king whose regal bearing and majestic presence seemed to illuminate the room.

"Woh Indra-samaan Raj-purush kaun hai ?" Kunti whispered asked to a maid.

The maid smilingly said, "Hastinapur-naresh Pandu hai woh."

Kunti was captivated by his commanding presence, felt an inexplicable pull towards him, a pull from the strings of destiny.

"Putri ?" The voice of Kuntibhoj made her shift her gaze, "Inn simha-purusho mei se, apne liye yogya var chun lo."

Giving him a nod, Kunti gracefully rose from her seat. She gently took the garland from the plate that was held by her handmaiden, as the all the participants looked at her with anticipation.

Holding a garland in her delicate hands, walked gracefully past the line of suitors, who watched with bated breath. Finally reaching the illustrious king of Hastinapur. The connection they both felt between them was palpable, and in that moment, with a confident smile, Kunti delicately placed the garland around Pandu's neck, sealing their union.

The fateful moment was followed by cheers, applause and a shower of flowers over them. Pandu, now chosen as the princess's consort, stood with a sense of honor.

Kuntibhoj came towards them with Shurasen. The couple bowed down to them, sought their blessings and received it in great abundance from them.

"Antatah aapka vivah ho hi gaya, jiji." Said the eldest son of Shurasen, who had a youthful and handsome visage.

Kunti smiled and said, "Ab tum bhi vivah karlo, Vasudev."

"Pehle aap dono ke vivah ki sabhi rasme toh jaaye." Vasudev chuckled, "Padhariye."

Kunti looked at Pandu, who was already looking at her with a smile. A red tint appeared on the princess's face, as she lowered her gaze in shyness.

"Padhariye na." She said demurely.

"Pehle aap, Maharani." Pandu said.

A soft, rosy blush adorned Kunti's cheeks as she lifted her gaze to meet his once more. His reassuring nod sent her heart into a frenzy, causing it to skip a beat. And in that moment, a sweet smile illuminated her face, radiating pure happiness.

Overwhelmed by a delightful blend of surprise and joy, she gracefully curtsied, accepting his gesture with grace. With each step she took forward, she could feel the weight of pride and affection in Pandu's gaze, igniting within her a surge of honor and responsibility. For now, she was not only his wife but also his queen. A role she was determined to fulfill to the best of her capabilities.



Also, Vasudev ji, the father of Shri Krishna, Shri Balram and Shri Subhadra, makes an entry 😍🙏

Fun fact about Vasudev ji - He was the incarnation of Rishi Kashyap, and also the most handsome man of his time....

You could say, he was the Nakul of his era 😂✨✨