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It was the day of Shravan Purnima.

Rohini lay in her bed, her body wracked with pain as she tossed and turned, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. The room was filled with the sounds of her groans and the frantic movements of the midwives and nurses as they prepared for the imminent arrival of her child.

"Sahas kariye jiji." Yashoda said, as she held Rohini's hand, offering her strength and support as the queen struggled through the intense pain.

Rohini's face contorted in pain, her body wracked with the agony of childbirth. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead as she clutched the sheets tightly, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rohini's cries of pain turned into a triumphant roar as she gave one final push. The room seemed to hold its breath as the sound of a baby's first cry filled the air, signaling the arrival of a healthy son.

And as his cries erupted, a hush fell over the cosmos, and the universe seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. In the celestial realms, the stars twinkled with a newfound brightness, and the planets aligned in perfect harmony. Suddenly, a radiant glow illuminated the heavens, and a joyous melody filled the air.

Suddenly, a radiant glow illuminated the heavens, and a joyous melody filled the air. The cosmos rejoiced in unison, all the deities coming together and celebrating.

The incarnation of Sheshnaag has been born, after all !

The midwives and nurses worked quickly to clean and swaddle the newborn, while Yashoda held Rohini's hand, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. Rohini's exhaustion melted away as the precious bundle of joy, was kept beside her on the bed.

As Rohini laid eyes upon her baby's face, her lips instinctively parted in awe. The sheer beauty before her left her momentarily speechless, unable to comprehend what she was witnessing.

His eyes, elongated and reaching almost to his ears, captivated her attention. The gentle fluttering of his eyelashes resembled the graceful opening and closing of a pristine white lotus, a sight that filled her heart with wonder.

A perfectly pointed nose caught her gaze, its delicate pinkish hue reminiscent of a blooming sesame flower. And then, her eyes fell upon his lips, a vibrant shade of red that resembled a freshly cut, juicy fruit, enticing and irresistible.

But it was his cheeks that truly stole her breath away. Soft and fair, they were as tender as cotton balls, inviting endless caresses.

As Rohini marveled at this miraculous sight, her astonishment mirroring on her face, Samkarshan, couldn't help but giggle, playfully snapping her back to reality.

Gathering her ability of speech, she held the hand of Yashoda, her eyes still stuck on the sight before her.

"Y-Yashodey.... Yeh kya hai ?" Rohini asked in a voice barely above a whisper, for she was half convinced he was a bouquet of flowers.

Yashoda chuckled, "Yeh aapka putra hai, jiji. Aapka putra."

A wide smile spread across Rohini's face as she sat up with the assistance of Yashoda, embracing her son in her arms and showering him with affectionate kisses. This was the moment she had yearned for, the moment to finally hold a child she could proudly call her own. The anticipation had been overwhelming, but now, pure joy surged through her veins as she reveled in this long-awaited dream come true.


Rohini gently cradled her newborn son, wrapped in a blue cloth, in her arms as she made her way to the humble abode of the royal priest of Yadavas, Garg Muni, accompanied by Yashoda and Nand.

The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement as they approached the sage's dwelling. Sage Garg, with his wise and kind eyes, welcomed the group inside and motioned for them to sit before him.

The soft glow of oil lamps casting a warm light over the room as Rohini placed her son in the arms of the sage, who gently with a knowing smile inspected the child who was the incarnation of the one who even after the end of Kalpas, the one who was the first expansion of Vishnu, the son of Kadru and Kashyap, the who is eternal, the one who holds the entire universe on his hood.

Garg gazed at the child for a long moment, his eyes filled with reverence. And then he spoke in a deep and reverent voice, "Asankhya balwaano se balwaan hai yeh balak. Jo swayam Hari ki sahayata hetu janma hai. Yeh jag ise Balram ke naam se jaanega."

"Balram." Rohini smiled taking the name, which for some reason brought immense pleasure to her.

The resounding name reverberated through the vast expanse of the atmosphere and cosmos, while a cascade of vibrant flowers descended gracefully from the heavens. In a grand display of reverence, gods and goddesses alike paid homage to the divine incarnation of Sheshnaag


ॐ हलधाराय संकर्षणाय नम:


Krishna toh definitely is all beautiful... But I think people tend to overlook the fact ki how wonderfully beautiful Balram ji was.... That's why I added the story of Rohini maiya getting confused seeing his beauty that she has to wonder what is that.... Also it was too cute not to add 😍🙏