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The grand hall of Hastinapur was adorned with golden banners and silken tapestries as the coronation ceremony of Dhritrashtra began. The air was thick with anticipation and tension as the people awaited the crowning of their new king.

His mother, Ambika, beamed with pride as she watched her son being crowned. She was happy for him, and couldn't help but revel in the moment of her son's triumph.

Ambalika, who was standing beside her sister, tried to conceal the grief that weighed heavy on her heart. She knew that the throne rightfully belonged to her son, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness as she watched Dhritrashtra take his place as king.

Gandhari was overjoyed for her husband and delighted to be named the queen, but her happiness was marred by her deep sorrow for Pandu. She understood the pain her sister-in-law was feeling, and it weighed heavily on her heart.

Satyavati sat in a corner, tired and worn out from years of seeing her family torn apart by power struggles and curses. She wondered what more there was left for her to see. Was this the end ? Or was there more turmoil awaiting her family ?

Bhishm stood in quiet contemplation, his brow furrowed with worry. He could not shake the feeling that the coming days would be fraught with difficulty, and he feared for the future of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Vidur stood beside Dhritrashtra with an expressionless face, his eyes betraying nothing of his thoughts or feelings. He knew that his duty lay in serving the new king, regardless of his personal sentiments and grief for Pandu.

He caught the gaze of his wife Sulabha, who looked back at him with sadness in her eyes, and he felt the weight of the moment settle on his shoulders. She too looked unsure of what lay ahead.

The nobles and courtiers too, couldn't hide their disappointment as they watched the Dhritrashtra being crowned. They had admired Pandu for his wisdom, justice, and compassion, and they couldn't help but worry about what the future held under the rule of a blind king.

Kripacharya held up the royal scepter in front of the grand statue of Akhand Maharani that was behind the throne

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Kripacharya held up the royal scepter in front of the grand statue of Akhand Maharani that was behind the throne.

Closing his eyes, the Kulguru chanted, "हे आर्यभारती, वयं भवतः अनुज्ञां याचयामः यत् भवतः नाम्ना राजा शासनं करोतु, येन सः अस्माकं जनान् न्यायेन न्यायेन च नेतुम्।
तव ज्योतिः तस्मै प्रकाशतु, सः अस्मान् समृद्धिं शान्तिं च प्रति नेतुम् प्रज्ञां प्राप्नुयात् ।"
(O Aryabharti, we seek your permission to let the king rule in your name, So that he may lead our people with fairness and justice.
May your light shine upon him, and may he be blessed with the wisdom to lead us to prosperity and peace.)

With that he bestowed upon Dhritrashtra the majestic scepter, and then guided him gracefully towards the resplendent throne.

As Dhritrashtra settled onto the majestic throne of Hastinapur, his fingers delicately traced the intricate patterns adorning the armrest, revelling in it. Despite the shadows of uncertainty and unease that loomed around him, a subtle grin of contentment stealthily crept upon his face.

As the crowning ceremony concluded, the heavy weight of disappointment lingered in the air. The people of Hastinapur couldn't help but wonder what their future held under the rule of a king who could not see, while Pandu, the perfect ruler, was left to live out his days in exile.


Pandu sat with his wives, Kunti and Madri, in the heart of the forest of Nagasabha, surrounded by the lush greenery and the gentle sounds of nature. They ate roots and fruits, foraging to sustain themselves in their life of exile.

The dappled sunlight filtered through the canopy above, creating patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. Pandu's face was etched with a quiet determination as he contemplated the events that had led him to this moment.

As they sat together, nourishing their bodies with the meager provisions the forest offered, they found solace in each other's company. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, a sense of peace settled over them, the tranquility of the forest offering a respite from the turmoil of the past.

"Aage kaha jaayenge ?" Madri asked breaking the silence.

Pandu looked at her and softly said, "Yaha se Chaitrarath, aur waha se Varishen paar kar Gandhmadaan."

Madri nodded and went back to eatingher fruits. As Pandu watched her and Kunti eat their simple meal, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and sadness.

They had chosen to follow him into exile, to live a life of hardship and uncertainty, all because of the curse he had received. He knew that they deserved so much more, and it pained him to see them suffer because of his choices.

"Gandhmadaan tak ka maarg durgam hoga, tum dono ke komal charan kadachit seh nahi paayenge." Pandu said.

Both his wives gazed at him. With a heavy sigh, he said, "Mere saath jeevan kathin hoga. Mai tum dono ko koi bhi sukh nahi de paayunga."

"Aapke bina jeevan adhik kathin hoga, Arya." Kunti said.

"Aapka sanidhya hi humare liye param-sukh hai." Madri said.

A small smile appeared on the face of Pandu, the unwavering support and loyalty of his wives provided him with a sense of strength and hope in the midst of their difficult circumstances.


पल भर में सिंहासन च्छुटा
मुकुट और आभूषण च्छुटा
धन दौलत सब महल अटारी
छूट रहे सब बारी बारी
वन की और चला सन्यासी
छोड़ राज्य सम्मान
जगत में समय महा बलवान!

Sed lyfe for Hastinapur-vaasis-🙃

Also.... The moment you realise the last dialogues of Kunti and Madri are their ultimate fate-😬