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Welcome to December 8th, 2023!

Today you get the chance to participate in two activities! That's right, today our activity is different from all other profiles. We invite you to a fun game of a Christmas-themed senryu chain.

'Tis the season for poetic magic!

Let's engage in the festive spirit of creativity by starting a senryu chain.

Build on the previous senryu by adding a three-lined stanza and share it in the comments. Don't forget to maintain the traditional structure of 5-7-5 syllables per line.

Take inspiration from the previous senryu and let your creativity flow.

Let's weave a tapestry of holiday poetry together, and to get the magic started, here is the first senryu:

Snowflakes dance in glee,

Whispers of joy in the air,

Christmas magic calls.

Come back tomorrow for more!

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