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Emily's POV

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Emily's POV

I need a new umbrella.

That might sound like stupid way to start a story. I should know, I'm a writer. But I also know that sometimes when you can't start a story, just write down something relevant to the current situation the character is in.

I'm saying I need a new umbrella because mine broke halfway home, and I'm getting completely drenched.

I shoved open my door and shook rain from my umbrella and wrung my currently blue hair out.

"Where have you been?" Delia said.

Ah yes. Delia. My dad's girlfriend. My mom's replacement. She's the antagonist of my story currently. More antagonists are added as the story progresses. An antagonist is the person presented as the main enemy and rival of the protagonist (That's me.)

"Outside." I replied, not lying.

"What place outside?" she asked.

"Why do you need to know?" I replied.

My mom taught me that when you're having an argument, make sure you know that you're right and the other person is an idiot.

"Because it's eleven at night!" she exclaimed.

It was ten forty two.

"and?" I asked.

"I think we need to revisit that talk we had about setting you a curfew." she said.

What the fuck? No. i have to visit the graveyard at night. It makes it more likely that I'll be mugged and killed.

Well, desperate times cause for desperate measures.

"My mom never set me a curfew." I said.

She tensed. Her hands clutched her tea cup tighter. I will never understand people who drink tea. It's just coffee's less-attractive, less successful cousin. The revolutionaries had every right to toss it in the ocean.

"I'll talk about it with dad tomorrow." I lied.

I walked down the corridor to me and Lola's room. She was sitting on her bed aggressively playing Fortnite on our Xbox and screaming into her phone which was on a group call.

"Hit him, hit him, hit him!" she screamed at the phone. Her character was crawling, getting shot at, and in the storm. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" her character died. "FUCK!" she yelled in frustration, throwing her controller at the ground, scaring my turtles Henry, Jane, Catherine, and Anne, before leaving the call.

"Could you stop the swearing?" Delia called.

"Fuck off, step-monster." Lola whisper screamed at her.

"You good Loles?" I asked, sitting beside her.

"The fuckers suck at this." she said.

"I'll troll them online later. You wanna watch a movie?" I asked, pulling my laptop from my black and green backpack.

"sure." she said.

"Which one?" I asked, opening Netflix.

"Dear Evan Hansen." she said.

Ah yes. The movie with a relatable protagonist. Don't get a lot of those.

"Your wish is my command." i said, finding the movie and clicking it on. We both sat back on her bed, our backs against the wall.

So, this was my introduction. Introduced two characters, and mentioned another. They probably won't really be a main part of the story. They would be called side characters. The other main character will be introduced later.

Author's note

Hi. Hope you enjoyed the prologue! And I hope that you enjoy the rest of this book.

Word count: 538


- Chinchilla ✨

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