All things are possible with tequila and lipstick

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Warning! Disturbing scenes near the end such as Ripper being himself!

 Warning! Disturbing scenes near the end such as Ripper being himself!

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Third person POV

"Last time on total drama island!"

Axel, Emily and Emma got blasted with sap.

"Things got a little sticky as our teams tried to cross the island while covered in sap."

Raj and Wayne rolled around, covered in sap and stuck to each other.

"And while some did surprisingly well..."

Nichelle covered in candy, plus Team Skunk Butt arrived at the finish line.

"Others got GLUED-ius to the Maximus!"

Axel and Ripper got stuck to each other.

"Millie apologized to Damien for sending him down the slide."

Mille apologized to Damien.

"But, thanks to a mouthful of sap, Damien couldn't tell anyone it happened!"

Damien tried to talk with a chunk of wood stuck to his tongue.

"And Millie was voted off!"

Millie was carried away by the drone of despair.

"Which sap will be going home today? You'll only find out here! On total! Drama! island!"

*Intro plays*

The episode opened with Raj fishing on the dock with Bowie sitting beside him.

"Look, I'm sorry ok?" Bowie said "I didn't know G, MK and Julia were gonna cheat like that!"

"Mmm... kay..." Raj said, not seeming entirely convinced.

"Raj, I know you wanna play the right way, but if G didn't spray you, you'd still be stuck to Wayne!" Bowie pointed out.

Raj sighed. "I guess. Just... promise we'll play fair from now on?" he asked.

"Hey cool guys." MK called to the two. She was wearing her intern uniform and fake moustache. "Goin' off to the intern meeting for some more cheating! Catch you later!" she said, walking off.

"Nice. Bring us back an easy win!" Bowie called after her.

Raj put his hand on his hip, annoyed.

"Sorry. That was a reflex." Bowie apologized.

The screen cut to Caleb lying on his back, legs sticking up in the air, lifting a rock with his feet.

Priya walked over to him.

"Heyyyy... no off days, huh?" she said.

"heh. Nope." Caleb said. He launched the rock into some bushes.

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