I think a lot of kids feel alone and slightly isolated and in their own world.

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Third person POV

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Third person POV

The green helicopter flew toward the island.

"Charlie niner TDI holding course to island." Chris said into his radio, before turning to the camera "We're baaaaack! Last season was painfully delicious! And if you missed it, shame on you! But here's a very quick recap!"

It started showing clips of the last season while Chris provided a voicover.

A raptor burst into the mess hall

"Last season on total drama island!"

It cut to the teens standing on the dock in the first episode.

"Seventeen contestants showed up with the dream of taking home that sweet sweet one million dollar prize. Chase and Emma arrived as exes. Then made up. Then threw up. broke up. Made out. Then broke up again."

The screen showed all those things happening.

"Zee was chill."

Zee drank some soda

"Axel was tough"

Axel kicked Ripper in the face.

"caleb was Gorgeous"

Caleb smirked.

"Scary Girl was scary."

Scary Girl's head spun around a hundred and eighty degrees.

"And Damien screamed the entire time."

Damien screamed at sharks, the weird tubey things in episode three and at Scary Girl.

"Social media motivational influencer are four words that mean nothing. But that's what Julia said she was."

Julia snapped a selfie, texted on a blue phone, then got roared at by a raptor.

"Then, when we realized she was actually a really horrible person, Julia embraced her true self."

Julia smacked Bowie with a burrito then smacked some fish with an oar for her canoe.

"Raj and Wayne were super tight hockey bros. But Raj had a secret."

It cut to Bowie holding Raj's hand.

"And while Bowie was the first to learn of it, no one was more happy for raj than Wayne."

It cut to Bowie and Raj kissing in the tapioca pudding and Wayne smiling excitedly.

"Action film star Nichelle LaDonna turned out to be less capable and far more fragile than the characters the plays in her movies."

Nichelle flicked her hair, then struggled with the obstacle course in episode three.

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