Death's not great

154 4 243

(This chapter's probably gonna be a bit shorter than the others, so I'm very sorry about that. Also fucking sorry this took so long.)

Third person POV

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Third person POV


recap recap recaaaaaaaaaaap.

Gina's out, Damien's simping for Emily.



dum dee dum dee dum.

Julia also did some simping for Emily probably.

You know, my friend said she actually ships Julia and Emily.

let's see if I can get anyone else to ship it.

who's someone y'all simp for?

For me, it's Velvette from Hazbin Hotel.

I love a woman who would throw a head at one of the most respected folks in hell.

Doo doo doo

Meme at the top is very accurate

well, I think this was enough babbling.

*Intro plays. Not writing it out.*

The episode opened with Caleb standing on a really high up tree branch, looking into a hole in the tree.

And the tree was on the edge of a cliff.

"Not in this tree either." Caleb called down to Priya who was at the base of the tree.

"it's too bad, because it looks like this would be the perfect place for Chris to hide the idols." he added, looking inside the tree where a little tiny squirrel was having a little tiny sleep in a little tiny bed.

"Ok. Now, be careful climbing down, some of those branches look a little weak!" Priya called up to him.

"Don't worry about me." Caleb replied.

The branch snapped and he fell out of the tree, then fell off the cliff.

"Caleb!" Priya exclaimed, jumping off after him.

The two crashed through the trees.

Priya landed first, and Caught Caleb bridal style.

Now someone tell my how this short ass, thin ass, fifteen/ sixteen year old girl is holding up this massive dude with no fucking trouble.

"You ok?" Priya asked Caleb.

"Yeah. Better than ok." Caleb replied.

Le spicy music started playing as the two looked at each other in a very very heterosexual way.

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