That's ok, I don't like me either

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⚠️Trigger warning! Mentions of self harm and abusive relationships at the end!⚠️

⚠️Trigger warning! Mentions of self harm and abusive relationships at the end!⚠️

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Third person POV

"Last time on total drama island!"

A seagull bobbed around in the ocean.

"Julia tried to play high-status with Nichelle. And got smacked aaaaaaall the way down!"

Nichelle and Julia had their little cat fight.

"Our campers were frozen with fear to discover that their challenge was to retrieve a Chris coin from inside an iceberg."

Team Rat Face looked out at the obstacle course in fear.

"They encountered boots to the face!"

Axel got smashed in the face with a boot.

"A cannon that fired vicious seals."

Zee got bit on the ass by a seal.

"And an abominable snowman!"

The abominable snowman burst out of the snow.

"And even though Team Skunk Butt won the challenge, it was Nichelle who left the island, because hollywood sent her a movie contract she couldn't say no to!"

Nichelle waved the 'movie contract' around.

The screen cut to Chris standing on the dock.

"I should also mention that MK stole my hair dryer!" he added. "Let's see how that works out for MK today."

"here, on total! Drama! island!"

*Intro plays, not writing it out.*

The intro once again opened with Caleb working out. This time, he was doing on armed hand-stand push ups.

Zee strolled over.

"Caleb! Watcha doing dude?" he asked.

"One armed handstand push ups." Caleb informed him "Really good for my upper trapezius."

"Oh yeah, those up top trapezey things are really important." Zee agreed, not knowing what he was agreeing with.


Zee: *Shrugs* I have no idea what Caleb's talking about.


"Anyways, I saw that you've been spending a lot of time with Priya lately." Zee continued.

Caleb did a backflip and landed back on his feet. Arrogant little shit.

"Yep. I sure am." he nodded "A alliance with Priya could take me all the way to the finals."

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