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Ghost Spider: where am I?

Spiderwoman: where am I?

Silver Spider: where am I?

They all say the same thing. Not surprising as they are all spider men/woman.

Y/n: you are all awake. Welcome to my temporary home until we can get back home to our universes. I know this universe is yours Ghost Spider.

Silver Spider: what has happened whilst we been unconscious.

Y/n: well you all got kidnapped by the Sinister Six. I had to get myself captured. Part of my big plan to find Ghost Spider. I didn't know you guys were here as well. Anyway, we all get injected with a symbiote. My symbiote goes to having the mindset of my past partner and we with the help of the police and Electro beat the Sinister Six and the symbiotes that was using you . Two are dead. Two are in prison and the others are hiding. Also Electro died. Then I saved you and brought you guys back here.

Spiderwoman: well we certainly owe you our thanks for saving us.

Ghost Spider: I'm sorry guys but my dad is probaly going to be wandering where I were.

Y/n: your dad also helped me. I owe him so might as well make it look like I found you and saved you.

Ghost Spider: fine. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Silver Spider: good bye

Spiderwoman: good bye

Y/n: good bye

Carnage: good bye

The spiders look at Carnage.

Silver Spider: thats Carnage!! Carnage is your partner!?!

Y/n: yep

Carnage goes back into you.

Carnage: *in mind* I know those two. I beated the hell out of them in my past lives. Oh you should have seen the chaos.

Y/n: *in mind* how do you remember that.

Carnage:*mind* because symbiotes can look at their past lives in different universes.

Y/n: *in mind* but your explanation in that base was completely different

Carnage: *in mind* oh I only wanted to make you hopeful. Its nice to mess with you anyway. Its fun.

Y/n: *mind* is it?

Carnage: *mind* yes it is.

Ghost Spider: you two there? We have to go.

Y/n: yeah we were just having a private conversation. Let's go.

You let her get out of her suit and into some clothes before picking her up and jumping out the window, swinging to her father's place. Whilst swinging they had a conversation.

Ghost Spider: so how long have you been here

Y/n: awhile. I'm Y/n L/n and you?

Ghost Spider: Gwen Stacy.

Y/n: you think your father will believe what I say

Gwen: i hope he does

We get to outside the house and Gwen knocks on the door. It opens and reveals Captain Stacey who instantly hugs his daughter. He had tears rolling down his eyes.

Y/n: told you we would find her

Captain Stacey: that you did. Thank you

Y/n: anytime Captain

Captain Stacey: oh my God Gwen I was so worried. Are you hurt? Are you okay?

Gwen: I'm fine dad. Really. Thanks to this hero

Captain Stacey: thank you again.

Y/n: no problem sir. You still have a problem with Ghost Spider right?

Captain Stacey: yes.

Y/n: I'll go teach her not to kill and hopefully you will trust her some day. Anyway I got to swing. Bye oh and if I don't see you again its because a portal has sucked me back to my universe. Now see you good bye.

You instantly swung away back to your place to see the Spider People not here. On the table in the kitchen you saw a note. It was small and the writing was extraordinarily good. It read:

Dear Hell Spider,

Your Spider friends you have made have been sent back to their universes. I have put a watch on this table so you can go back to your dimension. Once you go back you can't come her again. It will open up a portal and all you have to do is walk through it. I look forward to reuniting with you in the future. Our stage will be set ablaze but until then.

From Anonymous

You are intrigued about who could of possibly sent the message but there writing and how they talked in it is familiar some how. The next day Gwen, after school came around in her Ghost Spider suit. You guys have been talking for a while now and are already friends.

Gwen: so your telling me you fought a guy who could shoot acid from his hands and a guy who could shift into a shark.

Y/n: there's more. I also fought a dude who could shoot ice and fire. He had two sides it was really weird. You've got something on your mind. Tell me

Gwen: if dad finds out that I'm Ghost Spider. I don't know what I'm gonna do. He already hates it. I don't want to split from my dad. I... love him and th rest of my family.... what will they think.

She was on the verge of tears. You sat down next to her on the sofa and wrapped your arms around her. Bringing her close and comforting her.

Y/n: hey everything is okay now. Alright. Focus on the present not the future. Right now. You need some time with your family and I'm sad to say, im going back to my world.

Gwen: why?

Y/n: the glitching was getting worse. It only stopped when I got Carnage back but it will restart anyway. I'm sorry.

Gwen: no its okay. Thank you for being here with me.

Y/n: I forever will be.

You to walked to the top of the roof and you shot open the portal. Surprisingly it didn't try to suck you in like the other one did. You hugged Gwen shortly but when you went to go in. Gwen webbed you to the wall next to the portal and took your mask off. You looked at her surprised she had her web shooters.

Gwen: well meet again right?

Y/n: of course

You two started kissing like mad but I'm not going to go into detail but it was pure love. You two stopped and looked at eachother.

Gwen: we may not have known eachother for a while but I like you

Y/n: me to

Gwen: bye Y/n. Bye Carnage

Y/n: by Gwen

Carnage: good bye lady

She took the web of you and you walked into your portal and looked back at her whilst it closed.

Helena: welcome back sir

Y/n: alright lets get to work.

Carnage: oh yeah

I'm Y/n L/n. The Hell Spider im referred to as in my universe and with my partner Carnage, we will train for whatever adventure we go on next because we are heroes this universe will need and we will be there. Always.

Thank you guys for reading. Now we have to get onto into the spider verse and across the spider verse. I hope your excited because I am. Anyway thank you for reading, voting and adding this story to a reading list ill see you all in the next one. Good bye

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