Ch. 17 - Cashing Out

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Catastrophes seemed to have become part of Oscar's natural life cycle at this point

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Catastrophes seemed to have become part of Oscar's natural life cycle at this point. Things went okay for a little while, and then the moment he'd convinced himself that this time things would be different–be better–out of nowhere, it all blew up in his face. The worst part? He'd seen it all coming a mile away. He knew the moment that Max became Marcus Gallagher that this would eventually happen. He stuck his dick into the jaws of the crocodile, and it had gone about as well as you might have expected.

But what was most important was what came next. If he was going to survive this with what little family he still had, Oscar was going to have to make a hard choice.

He had a lot of time to think about that choice while he waited outside the bank. A bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and half a pack of Ultra Lights later, the bank's sign came on, and Oscar pulled Max's check out of his jacket as he entered the bank lobby. A few minutes later, he exited a lot heavier than he'd entered, and hopped on his bike, making a few more stops before taking the Fifty-five out of town to a little suburb just outside of Kingsport.

The sun came up around him as he drove; the buildings falling away to hills, trees, and houses, all bathed in the warm golden sunrise. He'd gone past the point of being tired and had caught his second wind when he stopped to get gas and some coffee. He was taking his time. He didn't want to get to Nan's house too early, or she might catch on to the fact that something was wrong.

The less she knew, the better.

It was after ten when he finally pulled up outside the little house surrounded by western pines. Still early, but it would have to do. He turned off his bike and strode up the steps to the tiny front porch. The screen door creaked as it opened, and he gave the front door a few hard knocks before waiting...

The woman who answered was round and short with sweet eyes that came to life the moment she saw Oscar's face.

"Oh, Ozzy! It's a little early, Hun. Why are you here?"

"Surprise!" Oscar chimed. "Really, Nan? Ya not even going to ask me inside?" he wondered as he squeezed past her stout frame.

"Uh-huh... sure," she said skeptically following him in.

 sure," she said skeptically following him in

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