Second Year.

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Kings Cross. Londen

Danny and the Weasleys head to Kingscross station, And they arrive Just in time to catch the train. They head into a compartment, and Hermoine and Neville join them. They catch up on what they did during the summer.

Hermoine says.''I enjoyed my vacation, but im pleased to return to Hogwarts."Ron says."My vacation was brilliant." Neville says."Mine vacation was good, too." Danny says."Mine was good, too. I loved visiting Ron's family."

Ginny is quietly writing in her diary. Ginny does not join in the conversation.

The five enjoy the candy from the trolly, and Danny decides to stretch his legs a bit. He encounters Justin, and Justin greets him.

"Hi Danny, how was your summer? Mine was great. My mom, after meeting Lockhart. Finally sees the merit of having a wizard in the family. I used to be down for Eton, you know."

Danny replies."Mine was great, too, Justin. But I have to ask Eton?" Justin replies."You dont know about Eton? Oh, that's right, I forgot you live in the United States. It's one of the best schools In Britain."

Danny replies."Cool, so what do you think about the new Defence against the Dark Arts Professor?" Justin replies."He is brilliant. I have read all of his books. He knows his stuff."

Danny nods and says."I got to get back to the others. See you soon, buddy." Justin replies."I got to get back, too. I see you later, Danny."

The rest of the train ride proceeded without any incident. And they arrived at the station. They headed into the carriages and arrived at the castle for the sorting.

Ginny gets sorted into Gryffindor, and So does a boy called Colin. A girl named Luna Lovegood gets sorted into Ravenclaw.

First Defence against the Dark Arts Class.

Lockhart starts introducing himself."Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's. Most-Charming-Smile Award – but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her."

Danny rolls his eyes. And Lockhart Asks."How about we start with a quiz?" Danny sees that all of the questions are about Lockhart. He decides to answer the question with the most outrageous answers.

Lockheart gathers the essays. And he tells everyone that they need to read his books more. He then reads Danny's essay. And he shakes with Fury. Lockhart says."I will contact Professor Snape. Mr Fenton. And we will decide your punishment. But now feast your eyes on this." He pulls a sheet of a cage and says.

"Now – be warned! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizardkind! You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. All I ask is that you remain calm."

There are small blue creatures in the cage. And Sheamus asks."Cornish Pixies?" Lockhart replies."Freshly Caught Cornish Pixies. I ask that you dont scream you might Provoke them." As he finishes talking, he opens the cage.

The Pixies run amok by trashing the classroom. and Neville gets hung by the chandelier, and Lockhart Runs away.

Danny Gently lifts Neville down. And Hermoine uses "Immobulus." to stun the pixies into place. They gather the Pixies. And Danny says, enraged."The guy is clearly a total Hack. He either made it all up. Or he made it bigger than it was. Im willing to bet the werewolfs were a group of lost puppies."

Snape's office at the end of the day.

Snape Reads Danny's essay and says to Lockhart."I will handle this, Lockhart." Lockhart walks off. And Snape burst out in laughter. He shows it to the other teachers, who also are crying with laughter. For you see the staff are unified. In their disdain for Lockhart.

The next day.

After Dinner, the students head toward the dorm room. And they all stop in Horror in the hallway. There is a message written in blood.

"Enemies of the Heir beware." Draco sneers and says."You will be next, Mudbloods!"

Filch walks up to the message and sees his cat petrified he says."When I get my hands on the one who did it I kill him. You hear me you pay for killing my cat." Dumbledore says."It's alright, Argus she is merely petrified. we will be able to cure her."

The next day the Slytherin quidditch team walks up to the pitch and They meet the Gryffindors who are mad that the Slytherins are there. Flint says."Calm down, Wood I got a note."Wood reads it and asks."You got a new chaser? who do you have?" Draco walks up And Ron asks."how did you get on the team, Malfoy?"

Danny snorts and says."He bought himself in." Wood asks what do you mean."And the Slytherins Minus Danny show their new Nimbus 2001 proudly." Hermoine says."Nobody had to buy their way in Gryffindor they got in on pure talent." Draco replies."Nobody asked you, Mudblood."

Danny asks."Ron, what does Mudblood mean?" Ron says."It means dirty blood is a nasty foul way to describe muggleborn. It's not a term you hear in polite conversation mate."

Danny Grabs Draco and says."Apologize, peacock, NOW."

Flint says."Fenton, let him go. We don't apologize to lesser people." Danny says."Well, if you all feel this way, I QUIT."

The Slytherins are shocked. And Danny throws his team pin to Flint and walks off. Draco says."Good riddance." Wood says."Well, I guess not all Slytherins are scum." A girl called Katie Bell says."At least Fenton has some decency in him."

Hermoine, Neville, and Ron catch up to Danny, and Hermoine thanks Danny for standing up for her. Danny says."I did it not just for you. You know my family. I could never tolerate That pureblood b.s."

Hagrid walks up and says."Oh boy, what did Malfoy say this time." Hermoine says."He called me a Mudblood." Hagrid says, appalled."You see Danny people like the Malfoys think themselves better than others. Dont you think on it Hermoine Dont you think on it at all."

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