Danny Tells Hermione The Truth.

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Danny spends the rest of the first month excelling in his classes, including his electives. There is something that disturbs him. Hermoine has taken all five electives. Hermoine seems to be there for all her courses. She even is there for the ones that start at the same time.

Danny also avoids Lupin as much as possible. Worried that Lupin will figure out who he is.

He also spent the month training with Vlad in the Chamber of Secrets. Danny had the things he destroyed fixed with."Reparo." The very next day, after he defeated Tom Riddle. And as there are no students. That can talk to snakes. They can train in secret.

Danny improves with the combat-based training that Vlad gives him. And Vlad tells him. Now that he is a teenager, his powers will increase rapidly. On September 29, the day before Hermoine's birthday. Vlad and Danny have an honest conversation. Vlad Asks."So, Little Badger, have you decided? On how to handle your treasonous godfather?"

Danny replies."I will avoid him if possible and leave it to the Aurors. And if I must fight him, I will not hold my punches. Besides, Im more worried about Lupin. He looks at me like he suspects that im not just who I claim to be."

Vlad says."Might I suggest, in this case, you tell your friends the truth? The truth will come out at the end of this year anyway. They should hear it from you."

Danny replies."Im not looking forward to this conversation." Vlad thinks back to the time he told Jack and Maddy. And says, smirking."Oh, Daniel, it's going to be awful. But it is better than the alternative." Danny asks."When will you be back, Uncle V?" Vlad replies."Not until December, Daniel. Keep training hard."

Hermoine fourteenth birthday.

Danny, in the morning. Finds Hermoine playing with Crookshanks. He hugs her and gives her his Present. Danny says."Happy Birthday, Hermoine." Hermoine smiles and replies."Oh Danny, how did you know I wanted this book?"

Danny answers."I saw you looking that day in the bookstore. I also have another surprise for you. This gift is from Jazz and My parents."

Hermoine pulls out a communicator similar to Danny's. Danny explains."Your parents have one as well. Jazz, your Parents, And I are already on your contact list. All you need to do is press the green button by their name. Like this." Danny activates her parent's number. Hermoine is Happy to be able to talk to Her parents. Owl post is just not the same as hearing their voice.

After Hermoine's long talk with her parents. Hermoine thanks Danny for making this the best birthday ever. Danny says."I have something to tell you tomorrow." The rest of the day, Hermoine had her birthday with her friends. And She is having the best time.

The next day.

Danny finds Hermoine and takes her somewhere private. He says."Hermoine, I have to tell you something." Hermoine says."Dont worry, Danny. You are my best friend. You can tell me anything." Danny says."You won't be thinking that after I tell you." Hermoine asks."How bad can it be?"

Danny says."Well, I know why Sirius Black broke out of Prison." Hermoine replies."How do you know that Danny?" Danny replies."He wants to finish what he started twelve years ago." Hermoine replies, shocked."You mean he wants to kill you?!"

Danny nods."The reason why he wants me dead is because he betrayed his friends to join Voldemort." Hermoine says."How does that involve you?" Danny signs and says."Because Im Harry Potter." He shifts back to his original form. His blue eyes return to their natural emerald-green state. And his hair becomes more unruly.

Hermoine says."I KNEW IT. I mean, I suspected it after the incident with Quirell. But Holy Cricket, your Harry Potter." Danny is completely caught off guard by Hermoine's reaction. And asks."Wait, you aren't mad?"

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