The graveyard.

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Danny has been enjoying being together with Hermoine. Going on lovely dates. And just studying magic together. The night before the second task, she suddenly disappears, with Danny being worried.

On the day of the task itself, it's explained that they are supposed to free the hostages from the lake itself. Danny having bought gillyweed at Neville's advice is ready.

The task commences and Danny takes gillyweed and begins looking around for Hermoine as he descends into the lake he sees Fleur in trouble and decides to save Fleur hostage as well.

after a bit of swimming, he finds the hostages and saves both Hermoine and Fleur's hostage who seems like a younger version of her.

Danny comes up with his two hostages and Viktor is right behind him. Fleur is grateful that Danny saved her sister as well and kisses him on the cheek as a thank you.

Hermoine is however jealous and looks furious and after Danny gets checked out he reassures her that he only loves her. Hermoine of course is deeply happy by this and asks."Do you really love me?" Danny replies."Yes I do." they kiss and decide to enjoy the rest of the day together.

The next day Danny sees Barty crouch and act erraticly but Danny hates the man for what he put Sirius through does not care and Ignores him.

The days pass and one day snape pulls Danny aside and asks."Mr Potter. Do you know if your friends are brewing Polyjuice potion again?" Danny replies."If they are this is the first time im heard about it." Snape says."Someone has been stealing my supplies when I find out who it is they are in a world of trouble."

Danny thinks about it and says."It might be Professor Moody. I have never seen him leave his flask alone for more than an hour." Snape says."Neither have I and it does fit the time needed to replenish the potion to keep up the disguise. I will consult with the headmaster."

Danny is understandably called to Dumbledore's office to debate his findings.

Dumbledore says."From what you both have told me I must agree with Daniel's version of things I have noticed that as well but I thought as Allister has had a hard life it was a way to cope with his pain."

Danny says."So he got to be captured and detained without raising an alarm." Dumbledore says."Why dont we keep an eye out but do nothing for now? As he still has the real Alister in his custody."

Snape says."I agree headmaster. Im sure that an opportunity will present itself."

Dumbledore says."Daniel, it goes without saying..." Danny replies."What we are just talking about is my school career." Dumbledore says."you keep surprising me. How much cunning you have Daniel."

the three agree due to there being a hostage involved to just wait and see.

The weeks pass and then it's time for the third task.

On the day before it, Danny is visited by his family and his uncles, and the Fentons and Vlad give them a letter wishing him luck and saying that they can't wait to see him again.

on the day of the task.

Danny, Fleur, and Viktor are talking about the tournament and how it changed their lives. The three also agree to remain in contact with each other as there is a sense of mutual respect and camaraderie between the three champions.

Dumbledore explains that the maze will push them there limits both physically and mentally.

As Danny is in the lead he goes in first Transforms into his tiger mode and begins searching for the cup.

Due to the size of this tiger, most leave him alone and he makes good time until he comes across a sphinx who gives him a riddle after answering correctly he advances finds the cup touches it, and is teleported away.

danny lands and after the daze from the landing clears up he finds that he is in a graveyard he looks around at the graves until he sees one that says.

Tom Riddle Sr.

Danny thinks to himself."Oh, crud." He suddenly is detained by a statute and Wormtail comes in and cuts him with a knife. Suddenly a woman who looks deranged is carrying an odd-looking creature.

Wormtail performs a ceremony with ends with Voldemort returning to power. He says."Wormtail my wand." He then waves his wand and gives Wormtail a new silver hand.

While this is happening danny says."All things must come to an end." Danny's watch releases and then crumbles into ruin.

Voldemort says."give me your arm Wormtail." And Voldemort summons the death eaters.

After name-dropping every death eater and ranting about how disappointed he is he says."Dont worry harry potter I have not forgotten about you." He turns around and asks."Where did he go?"

Voldemort looks around and says."You worthless fools. you let him escape."

Danny is teleported back to Hogwarts and the crowd begins cheering as he is declared the winner and the crowd rushes over to congratulate him.

Danny plays along and Moody asks if he can follow him Danny does so telling everyone he will be right back.

Moody takes him to his office walks to the end and turns around only to be met with Danny fist in his face. Moody walks back in shock and Danny says."Stupify." Knocking out moody and Danny wastes no time tying him up. Dumbledore rushes in with Snape and see what has transpired.

Snape says."If this was anyone else but you. Mr Potter. I would have being suprised."

Danny says."Have fun questioning him. I go look around and see if I can find the real one."

Danny stops by a trunk and hears screaming from it and opens it and says."You must be the real moody."

End of chapter.

Writer notes im sorry I was busy dealing with stuff in my personal life. plus I was kind of stuck on how to proceed. and I do want this story to be good. 

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