Chapter thirty one

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Kaiden's eyes widened when he heard that and turning around, the ceiling of the room suddenly crumbled making them move out of the way of the falling debris. Looking up, they saw the man hanging midair and the moon's light illuminated his face and gave off his dark knight's vibe. "Impossible," Kaiden whispered, not believing his eyes.

The woman was also shocked but her shock didn't last for long as she chuckled. "My, my, my, dark prince, what a way to shock us."

Edward ignored them and his eyes went to the girl tied on the plank and being hanged midair by chains. His heart went out to her as he felt her in every single part of his body. His stomach and his cheeks had the most pain and he knew instantly that she had been slapped and kicked or hit in the stomach. The anger bobbled inside him and his bloodshot red eyes went to the man standing closest to her and only for him to receive the shock of his life. "Kaiden?" he called.

"Hello little brother," Kaiden hissed.

"Hold up," the woman said, "he looked nothing like his former self, how did you recognize him?" she seemed to be genuinely interested, however, she gasped in a sudden, "you can see his soul." Her head swept from Edward to Kaiden and then back to Edward, "if you can see his soul then that means..." but she didn't get to finish her sentence because Kaiden suddenly leapt in the air and attacked the man.

Edward easily dodged his attack and rushed him, landing a blow on his chest but Kaiden didn't feel the pain as he turned and slashed Edward on the face with his claws. Claw marks shone on Edward's pale skin but it healed in the next second and he kicked Kaiden, sending him falling and crashing on his shelves of potion, making hundreds of vials to rattle and then crashing on the ground. Colorful smokes soon filled everywhere and the hooded woman quickly disappeared, leaving the two brothers to their fight.

Edward meant to go to Aliyah and get her out but Kaiden came from behind and bit onto his neck, making the man to growl in pain and anger. He poked his fingers into Kaiden's eyes and the demon screamed in pain and released him. Turning sharply, Edward rushed him and delivered powerful punches on his stomach before landing a dirty slap on his cheek, making the man to crash into the wall and create a hole on it.

Melissa who had sensed the commotion and was coming to know what was happening with Cedric screamed when Kaiden fell out of the hole on the wall in front of them. "My Lord," Cedric rushed to help him up but Kaiden pushed him away and snarling, he leapt in the air and went through the hole to meet Edward again and he kicked him so hard that Edward flew and crashed beside Aliyah. Aliyah started at the man, she believed she was definitely hallucinating the man and that he was saving her. Who knows, maybe the time he finally kills Kaiden, she would wake up and see Kaiden still trying to force her to drink the potion.

Edward got up and bared his fangs at Kaiden who did the same at him. "What do you think brother?" Kaiden hissed, "we are finally an equal match. What, you think you can kill me as easily as you did before? That I am going to go down on my knees and beg for mercy? A mercy which you didn't render and had brutally killed me, huh?"

"I killed you before, I can do so again," Edward replied.

"Ha-ha," Kaiden laughed sarcastically. "I heal as fast you do, I am as strong as you are, what makes you think it's going to be that easy?" The more Kaiden talked, Cedric tried to sneak up behind Edward and just when he leapt to attack, Edward turned and grabbed the nightwalker and what happened next shocked everyone. He buried his fangs on Cedric's neck and sucked the life out of the man, dropping an empty carcass on the floor. Cedric was dried up of any liquid in his body and all was left were dried bones that curled up on the floor and looking ashy.

Kaiden looked up from the horror to the man and asked, "what are you?"

"I don't know and I don't care," Edward replied and attacked, sending Kaiden into defensive mode.

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