Chapter forty seven

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“Why did you choose him?” Steven asked as they left the dungeon, the guards had been so shocked to see them walking out with the elder and one of them had rushed off to call the alpha while another went to get the man some clothes to change into.
“If we stay to talk about this and my father happens to show up, trust me, we won’t be going to Black Wind pack and I would really love to do it today. You guys are leaving tonight and I would want your mom to meet that surprise at home,” she winked.
Steven chuckled at that and nodded, “fine, we will talk along the way. Besides, I can tell from your eyes that you want us to use the secret tunnels.”
“Of course, it’s faster and also would keep us out of the eyes of everyone. Something tells me that the news of me healing Eric must have traveled to other packs. The last thing I want is the tearful eyes of mates begging me to heal their mates. It’s been hard avoiding the ones from my pack; I don’t want to add extras.”
Steven laughed out at that and shook his head after, turning around to leave when a black cat suddenly landed in front of them. Surprised, he stopped and frowned, “a cat, here?”
“Where did it come from?” Aliyah asked, frowning as well as she bent over to peruse the cat. However, the cat suddenly spat at her and the spit landed directly on her mating mark. Aliyah jumped back shocked, but her shock was short lived as she noticed immediately that she couldn’t feel Edward again. She reached up to touch her neck, her eyes wide in shock.
“Aliyah, what is it? Are you okay?” Steven rushed to ask.
“I-I can’t…f-feel Edward, it’s like he is not in this world,” she answered, her shocked gaze going to the black cat that was just watching her.
Right after saying that, the cat morphed into a beautiful woman with platinum blonde hair. Smiling, the woman said, “it worked, time to go, princess.”
“A demon, a cat demon,” Steven whispered, “I should have known.” He quickly pushed Aliyah behind him as his eyes started shining blue, “you want to take her? Over my dead body.”
“I am not afraid of you, alpha wolf,” Medlyn said, “I have already blocked the signal that would have brought the one I am afraid off,” and with that, she flicked her hand, throwing Steven away.
Aliyah quickly got ready, knowing now that they are not facing a weak opponent. “You won’t dare,” she spat out.
“Oh, I would now princess, your mate won’t be able to sense or find you. You are completely at my mercy and that of my Queen. Get her!” she ordered and cats started landing from no where and morphing into humans as they did.
“What the heck is going on?” The elder that Aliyah had healed earlier stepped out of the dungeon, not at all bothered that he was naked. “How dare you come into the night howler’s pack and intend to steal our alpha’s daughter?”
“Go take a rest old man,” Medlyn said and then turned to the man beside her, “grab her, I am going for the little prince.”
“Yes Medlyn,” he answered and she disappeared from the spot.
“I will like to see you try,” Mattew said and quickly shifted into his big brown wolf. A black wolf landed on a cat man that was trying to fight the elder and without warning, bit the head off. Landing on all paws, Steven bared his teeth at the shocked demons.
“He is strong, be careful how you fight him,” the man Medlyn left in charge yelled at his people before shifting into a cat and easily evading Steven’s attack with his flexibility and small stature, landing on Aliyah’s hair. She growled and shifted her hand into paw to slap him away but ended up slapping herself because the cat jumped out of her hair and was now biting on her leg. She kicked it but ended up tripping and falling and at that, the cat jumped on her chest. His yellow and black eyes locked with her shocked blue ones and he snarled and bit on her neck. Paralyzing her right there and then.
“Alpha,” the guard from the dungeon rushed into the conference hall Alan was discussing with the elders. “She has done it again, Aliyah had healed Elder Mattew.”
“What?” Alan stood up from his seat immediately as well as the others. “Where are they now?”
“She is still at the dungeon and so is Elder Mattew, I just came to call and let you know what is going on.”
“Let’s go,” he said immediately and they all left the room only to see Sean running towards them. “What is it?”
“Asher is gone,” Sean announced, he was looking both scared and shocked.
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Alan yelled.
“Sean, what do you mean? How can he be gone, he is just a baby,” Aton commented.
“Luna had showed up at our apartment with Nancy and he had fallen asleep so she ordered Nancy to lay him down in Anita’s crib. However, when she was asked to go check on him, she screamed so loud that we all rushed there. Getting there,” he paused, looking at the two men in the eyes, “there was a big black python circled around him. Before any of us could react, he was gone, along with the python.”
Aton and Alan shared a look, “snake demon?” Aton asked.
“Let’s go check it out,” Alan ordered and they all rushed over to the Beta’s quarters. On getting there, they were shocked to see Scarlet and Emily in their wolf forms fighting a cat that appeared to be too strong for just a normal cat. At the corner, Monica was standing and watching while carrying Anita and Nancy, the poor omega was hiding and she looked happy to see them approach.
“Alpha,” she called and jumped, bringing Scarlet’s attention to the approaching group. At that moment, a man dressed in black appeared and in his arms was the sleeping Asher.
“Asher,” Alan called seeing that.
“Aren’t you a little too late Medlyn, I have already taken the prize,” Gaziah said mockingly and at that moment, the black cat morphed into a human.
“Give him to me, Gaziah,” she ordered.
“Why on earth would I do that? The Python King is already expecting him and his mother, now that I have him, I just needs to find his mother and my mission would be done,” he smiled.
Medlyn scoffed right then, “aren’t you already too late then, she is already in my possession.”
“What?” Scarlet’s voice was loud and angry and they both turned to her casually like they weren’t discussing about her daughter and grandson. “Where is Aliyah, where is my child?”
“I need that baby,” Medlyn said, ignoring Scarlet and turning to Gaziah. “My mission is not complete without him.”
“So is mine without the mother, so let me have her,” he replied.
“I will like to see you try,” Medlyn replied and then charged at him and Gaziah quickly evaded her attack, his tail growing and slashing at her but she avoided it immediately.
“Wolves, no matter what, they won’t be leaving this pack with Asher,” Alan ordered, “Sean, run to the dungeon and see if you would find Aliyah there.”
“Yes Alpha,” Sean answered and immediately shape shifted and ran out of there while Alan and the rest shifted and attacked the two demons who were also attacking each other. However, snakes started crawling to the scene and morphing into humans immediately to help Gaziah. Seeing that she was losing, Medlyn quickly disappeared from the fight.
When Sean got to the dungeon, all he saw was the dead body of a guard and both Steven and the elder was lying on the ground, paralyzed. However, there was no sign of Aliyah anywhere. “Steven,” he rushed to his friend as he shifted back to human, cradling his head in his arms as he searched around frantically with his eyes, praying that he would find a clue, anything that would tell him where Aliyah could be. “What the hell happened?” he asked but Steven couldn’t say a thing and neither could the elder.
“Sean,” Rasmus sprinted to the scene and stopped beside him, letting down Irene that he was carrying. “Where is Aliyah?”
Sean shook his head, “I didn’t meet her.”
Irene rushed to Steven and felt his neck, “Cat venom, cat demons were here.”
“I thought as much, the elders and my father and alpha are fighting one and a snake guy at the moment. Also, how come Prince Edward didn’t sense her in trouble?”
“The female cat demons are famous for their spit temporarily weakening mating marks. I don’t know if it works on night howlers mating mark but it works on demons and Edward is a demon so his mating mark on Aliyah is the same as the demon’s mating marks. I will have every reason to believe that a female had weakened the mating mark, otherwise, Edward would have been here by now.”
“How long does it last?” Rasmus asked.
“Two or three days, depending on how strong the cat female is,” Irene answered.
“Fuck,” Sean cursed, “how about Steven and Elder Mattew, is there anything we can do about them?”
“Yes, I can detoxify the venom but I would need some ingredients to prepare the potion. Let’s bring them back first.”
“Yes, they need our help to to fight the other ones.”
“Nah, if it’s the demons I know, they would be gone by now,” Rasmus said.
“No, they can’t be,” Sean refused. “The snake guy has Asher.”
“Oh no,” Irene whispered and shock was evident on her face, making the two men to look at her suspiciously.

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