Chapter thirty nine

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"What?" Aliyah asked the boy that kept staring at her.

"Nothing," Steven shrugged, "just that..."

"Just that what?" she raised an eyebrow.

"You look happier than you have been in the cottage."

"I am happier Steven, my son is healthy and my mate is with me, why won't I be happier?" she chuckled and continued mixing the batter she had been mixing to make a pancake.

"I know, and you must know that I am happy for you. Now I can see the what else after the fight for you," he whispered.

Aliyah looked up at him, "Steven, just because I didn't give you an answer doesn't mean I didn't appreciate your effort. And I am sure that maybe in the future, if Edward hadn't shown up, I may have considered you, that's if you haven't found your mate by then."

Steven shrugged, "no need talking about that anymore, I am just happy for you and you should know that it comes from the deepest part of my heart."

"Thank you and I pray that this whole fight would be over before the next blood moon and you can find your mate then."

"Thank you, it would be really amazing. I didn't think not having a mate was a problem until I realized how lonely it was when everybody turned their back on me. I knew that if I had a mate, she would have stood by me no matter what."

"Of course, she is not your fated mate for nothing."

"Yeah," he licked his lips.

"So, Sean was telling me that someone is now the future alpha of the Black Wind pack again," when she said that, Steven chuckled, "I hope we won't be seeing the bratty future alpha anytime soon."

At that, Steven laughed really loud, "of course not, he is dead and buried."

"Thank God," Aliyah said, carrying the mixture close to the cooker where she turned on the fire on the pancake pan, getting ready to do her cooking. She tucked a lock of hair behind her hair and Steven chuckled seeing that she had accidently smeared batter on her hair. He grabbed a towel and walked up to her to help her clean it off. Aliyah looked at him in shock and seeing his intention, smiled and allowed him. However, right before he could successfully wipe off the dirt, an invisible force threw him against the kitchen cabinets and he smacked into it, ruining the beautiful cabinets.

Aliyah gasped in shock as everything happened so fast that it felt like the world was still. As Steven was trying to get up from where he landed, he was picked up from the floor and when he saw the icy glare of the man in front of him, his heart leapt into his throat as he saw the now familiar blue light brightening in the eyes.

"Edward no," Aliyah screamed and grabbed the man's hand right before Steven was enveloped in pain, "what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I am doing?" he asked, his voice was a low octave that sent shivers down their spines.

"He is a future alpha, kill him now and you will ruin the peace between nightwalkers and night howlers, another war may rise and we haven't even come out of the one we already are in."

"What does that have to do with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow nonchalantly.

Aliyah couldn't believe that he would say something like that and then she asked in anger, "what has gotten over you?"

"You," he replied, finally releasing Steven who quickly crawled out of his sight to the kitchen door where Sean, Rasmus and Irene had gathered having heard the commotion. "You have gotten over me," Edward added, backing Aliyah against the island. "You are mine and I won't tolerate any one coming even an inch closer to you."

"What?" Aliyah was in shock, "Steven is just a friend!"

"I will not tolerate just a friend. Brother, I can tolerate, but a friend, no!"

"Fine, he is my brother."

"The hell he is," he snapped, his eyes still a bright blue light.

"What now, you want to burn my soul too?" she asked stubbornly, unfazed by his obvious anger.

Hearing her words, Edward finally calmed down, his eyes returning to the icy blue color. "Of course not," he said, grumpily.

Aliyah rolled her eyes but secretly let out a sigh of relief. "I have always known you were possessive but it seemed to have grown tenfold," she clicked her tongue and pushed him away while he followed behind her like a lost puppy. "Now look what you caused, the pan is on fire," she hissed and rushed to the cooker, turning the burner off and placing the pan in the sink where she turned on the tap to cool the overheated pan. Turning to her mate, she pouted her lip and crossed her arm on her chest. "What do you have to say about all these?"

"I will not tolerate anyone getting close to you, you are mine and that you will always be."

"Fine then, I'm starving, make pancake for me."

"What?" the disbelief was very high on his voice.

"I am yours aren't I, won't you feed me then? And besides, you have wanted to make pancakes for me one time," the playfulness in her eyes vanished as she thought of that day, that day that should have been her best but ended up being the worst. "How about finishing what you started that day today?" she looked up at him with teary eyes, "I have already mixed the batter for you, it should be easy."

"I have never cooked."

"It doesn't matter, I will take anything you give me," she smiled and turned to the sink to wash the pan. Ready, she set it on the burner once more and fetched the batter which she handed to Edward.

He frowned but still took the bowl from her. As he turned to the pan, he froze, "what am I supposed to do next?"

"What? You saw this on the internet remember, and you wanted to make delicious pancakes for me, have you forgotten so soon? It's alright, I will teach you, pour the batter into the holes on the pan and then we will let it cook for some minutes and then you would flip them with this," she reached over and grab the spatula which she handed him, "go on."

Edward carefully followed her instructions and as he started flipping the pancakes, he had a flitting memory where he had imagined himself doing that and also, watching a blonde-haired woman doing it. "I can remember watching this," he said and a tiny smile spread across his lips. Seeing that smile, Aliyah placed her head on his shoulder and smiled with her eyes closed. She was happy because just now, she had seen her Edward, the very man she had fallen in love with and it doesn't matter that it was just a glimpse. To her, it was a proof that he was still in there somewhere, she just have to bring him out from the cold one and all she needs now is time, time and time alone.

His Mate: The Demon KingWhere stories live. Discover now