Chapter sixty six

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“Hey, is it true what they say?” A guard asked another.
“What is?” the second one replied nonchalantly.
“About prince Edward, Aliyah’s mate.”
“The fact that he is now the demon king or that he is in slumber?”
“So it’s true.”
“Which one?”
“Both of them,” the first one said and the second sighed. “So how is he going to save us if he is sleeping away in his palace?”
The second glanced at him and shrugged, “I don’t know. I heard Daniel said his palace is on fire.”
“What? Who set it on fire?”
“He did.”
The first guard frowned, “I’m not understanding. Why would he set his palace on fire if he is sleeping in it?”
“I think he said the fire was cold or something.”
“Cold fire? Where is that done.”
“Listen, Toby, I don’t understand the demon ways or nightwalkers, I don’t know which one. So stop asking me questions I can’t answer.”
“I know, I know, I just…” Toby was saying when a growling sound came from the dungeon. He glanced at it and sighed, “they are at it again. Hey tell me, do you think Aliyah is ever going to heal them like she did Eric and Elder Mathew?”
The growling sound came again, closer this time. The second guard frowned and turned to the door, placing his hand on the handle and opening it to look around only for him to freeze in shock. It was dark but the darkness has no effect on him as he could clearly see the wolves that were now staring at him and growling softly. “Toby…” he whispered, “run.”
“What the heck is going on?” Toby peeked in through the opened door and he too froze but only for a second as he quickly turned and started running away. The second guard turned to follow but a wolf jumped on him and bit him before the rest rushed out, one attacking Toby on the way. The Second guard soon shifted and joined them and Toby joined as well as they ran into the pack, eyes white and teeth bared and drooling.
“Alpha Ethan, you must understand why this is a problem. Gerald was among the deranged and then suddenly he is okay but the rest of the infected are not. It is quite unfair that you would bother to get your own son healed and the rest of ours stuck in their wolf form and not even recognizing us their family. All we are saying is that you should tell us what you did that healed Gerald so that we would do it on our own children,” An Elder said in the conference hall of Black Wind pack.
“Yes, that is all we are asking, why is it so hard for you?” Another elder asked.
Ethan sighed and closed his eyes, his head resting on the headrest of his chair while he listened to the rambling of his elders. There was no way he could tell them that Aliyah had healed Gerald, the girl had made him promise not to and also told him about the danger that comes if everyone pleads with her to heal their family member or mate and what would happen if she doesn’t survive it, the last he can do is honor his promise and plus the fact he doesn’t want an angry Demon king storming into his pack.
“Alpha Ethan, please, we are begging you, help us bring our children home, only you can do that. Look at Gerald, how happy do you feel to see him roaming around the pack or joining you at breakfast or dinner, we want to feel that too. We miss our family, please, do this one thing for us, don’t forget that an Alpha always protect,” an elder said, his voice the gentlest among the rest.
Ethan opened his eyes and glanced at the man, “funny you would say that, Elder Nicholas because that is exactly what I am doing, protecting my pack, protecting you lot.”
“How? You son is healed and okay, that is why you saying this,” the first elder yelled.
Ethan glared at him, his eyes flashing blue for a second, “you must remember Elder Daniel that I am your alpha and you speak to me with respect. If you think you are free to do whatever you want because of Elder Maximus of Blue Moon pack, let me remind you that he is an inch from becoming a rogue because Alpha Alan is still adamant in not taking him back in the pack and High Alpha won’t harbor him in his pack forever. I won’t even be making you a rogue, I will be killing you right here, trust me.”
Elder Daniel wanted to refute him but seeing the killing intent in the man’s eyes made him gulp and swallow back his words, instantly remembering that Alpha Alan was soft compared to Alpha Ethan.
“Elders,” Ethan said, addressing all of them, “I understand your pain, trust me, but I will also need you to trust me when I say that I can’t disclose how…”
“Alpha,” the big doors were thrown open and a young panicking warrior stood by it, “you must see this.”
Ethan frowned and was on his feet immediately, followed by the elders. When they got outside, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Rogues were jumping over their fence and omegas were running around, searching for where to hide along with the children that haven’t found their wolf yet.
“Even the infected in the dungeon has broken free and they are attacking, there are more casualties alpha as more than half the pack has been bitten and not just that,” he pointed at the main gates of the pack, “the nightwalkers are attacking as well.
“Oh my God,” Elder Nicholas whispered.
“Ethan,” Sarah called, bringing his eyes on her where she was trying to save little children that was being cornered by rogues.
“Sarah,” Ethan yelled and rushed at her, seeing a Nightwalker that was heading her away. He could see that he wouldn’t make it in time with his legs and so he jumped and shifted midair, his shredded clothes landing on the ground where his paws only but touched for a nanosecond. He leaped over Sarah, attacking the nightwalker head on and biting off the head. He turned to check on his mate only to see that she was convulsing on the ground. ‘Sarah!’ he called in the mind link and rushed to her. ‘Sarah!’ he yelled, quickly pushing the children she was holding aside and only then did he see who caused the damage. It was an Elder of his pack that has been bitten over a month ago.
He growled angrily at the brown wolf that was looking at him with its white eyes. He knew he shouldn’t take his anger on the Elder for he was not with his senses but the person in question was his mate and all manner of reasoning have left him as he leaped and attacked the man. He bit onto his neck, keeping in mind not to swallow his blood to avoid infecting himself as his eyes glowed blue before he yanked the head away, dropping it in front of him as the headless body fell. He turned to check on his mate but she was already in her grey wolf form, her white eyes locked on him as her mouth drooled.
‘No, no, no, Sarah, Sarah my darling,’ he called in the mind link, hoping she would hear him but the way she leaped at him told him otherwise. He knew many angles that he would have avoided her attack but that would mean killing her as well and so he stood and let her bite him as he closed his eyes, hoping that there would be a way to save them as he felt the poison traveling up his bloodstream at lightning speed.
“No!” Gerald yelled from the window of his bedroom where he had been hiding since the fight broke out. He couldn’t believe that his mom had bitten his dad and he let his gaze swim the pack. The majority of people still in their human form where just children and even those that are in their wolf forms were mostly deranged. He couldn’t believe what was happening, it was like the end time has come, like the world has finally come to an end. However, he knew there was one thing he still has to do, he needs to find Steven, he needs to find his big brother, the one that always have a solution for everything. He was sure that if he finds Steven that everything would be alright.
So he backed out from his window, took the secret passage way in the lobby and went out to the backyard of the mansion. He quickly shifted into his wolf and started running to the fence. He prayed that no one sees him otherwise, he would be stuck in that place he was just freed from a few days ago. He could feel the tears blurring his vision as he leaped over the fence, all he could think about was how his mother bit his dad and how he just let her.
He arrived at Blue Moon pack only to discover that they were in their own battle and he knew immediately that Steven wouldn’t be there and if Steven wasn’t there, there could only be one place he would be. He had followed him one day to the Vampire prince’s castle during the time that Aliyah was still missing and so he charged his route to there immediately, he just hopes he still remembers the way and that he shouldn’t bump into any nightwalker that would stall or ruin his mission.

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