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An: This is the last chapter of this story as this story I will only do the Spanish Princess on. Enjoy.

1522, France

No one POV

Bridget was gasping and was very sweaty and she walked around her room, and was going into labor and she screamed as she held onto a rope.

Bridget screamed out as she kept pushing and the Midwife said "One more push, your Grace."

Bridget screamed out and said "I can't, I can't" and the Midwife said "Just one more push, your Grace."

Bridget screamed out and pushed more and the Midwife said "Keep pushing, your Grace" and Bridget screamed as she kept pushing and said "Oh, what is taking this baby so long."

Bridget screamed out as she kept pushing and they heard a baby crying and Bridget looked up and the Midwife said "It's a boy, your Grace."

Bridget smiled and said "A boy" and the Midwife said "A healthy baby boy, another one."

Bridget said "That's good."

Bridget fell back.

Bridget looked up and the Midwife handed her the baby boy and Bridget smiled and said "Hello, there, Hi hi hi."

Bridget fell back and smiled at him.


Francis walked in as Bridget was holding the newborn baby boy, and Francis walked up to her and said "Another son?".

Bridget said "Yes."

Francis said "Good, His name will be Charles" and Bridget said "Alright, Could our children meet their little brother."

Francis said "Soon enough, you need to rest first" and Francis kissed her and she kissed him back.

Francis said "Thank you for your effort, three sons and a daughter, all done well and only in a few years of marriage."

Bridget smiled and Francis said "It is good, doesn't it, doing your duty, I appreciate it."

Bridget said "Thank you."


Bridget was walking through touching her pregnant stomach and was holding Charles in her arms while Madeleine, Prince Henry, and Prince Francis ran up front and Prince Francis said "Mother."

Bridget said "What is it?" and Prince Francis said "Aren't you worried about the engagement, Mama, to have Madeleine so far away."

Bridget said "Francis, sometimes we have to do things we don't like to do because it's what best, the alliance is good for France and Scotland. And one day you'll marry someone from a powerful house, from a powerful country."

Prince Francis said "Alright, but what if it's not happy like" and Bridget stopped and said "Honey, I love your father."

Prince Francis said "But he's with other people sometimes" and Bridget said "I know, but because of him, I have you and your siblings, and I am very thankful for that, I love him in a different way. It's also about duty. I know it's hard to understand, but one day when your older, I'll explain it more alright."

Bridget hugged him and said "Come on, let's go find your siblings."

They walked up closer.

Scotland, 1525

Angus leads a group of soldiers to Edinburgh Castle. He's stopped at the gates by Scottish and French soldiers.

One of them said "The Queen has said she doesn't want you here."

He continues to scream out "Meg".

Angus joins the soldiers as they approach the west side after being denied entrance through the front gate. Meg's happy about this development and has her men fire cannons at Angus and his fellow traitors.

The cannons continued to shoot at Angus and the traitors.

Meg said "Fire, Fire."


Meg was sitting down next to James and said "Angus and the Traitors have been stopped, Thanks to our own men, and we are thankful for France for sending out troops."

The French Ambassador said "I will be sure to give that message to King Francis and Queen Bridget."

Meg said "We also have other news, James?" and James said "When Princess Madeleine of France comes of age, I will marry her, and she'll be Queen of Scotland."

Meg said "Let's move forward to days of peace, as Scotland and France are now both united."

The French Ambassador nodded and said "And France is happy to join you in this, Scotland has our support."

Meg said "And France has ours. We will be united now and be more than a match now for that greedy English King."

The French Ambassador Nodded.


Bridget was sitting on the throne and was reading a letter from Catherine and Bridget said "She left court."

King Francis said "Who did?".

Bridget said "Catherine."

King Francis said "Well, that is interesting. King Henry wants an alliance, he wants our help in the annulment."

Bridget said "No."

King Francis said "Bridget" and Bridget said "I said no, I may not be on the best terms with Catherine, but she is his wife, all he wants do is marry his mistress, and I'm not going to stand by that, Catherine is just as much of a sister to me as Meg and Mary. I won't stand by while my niece is made a bastard, all for some."

King Francis looked at her and said "I won't support him, and I won't go back to English court, I won't watch as he makes love to that Boleyn girl, No."

King Francis said "Alright, fine. If that is what you decided, we'll look elsewhere for an alliance."

Bridget said "Thank you."

King Francis said "Your my wife, I don't trust him either."

Bridget nodded.

(Bridget had another daughter in 1523, Margaret of Valois, and would go on to have three more children, Charlotte of Valois, Mary of Valois, Elizabeth of Valois and Louise of France. But her daughter Louise passed away when she was only 3 years old, Her daughter Charlotte died in childhood. Her daughter Madeleine died after being crowned Queen of Scotland. Her son, Francis passed away in 1536. Her second son Henry became Henry II of France. Bridget did return to England, and did meet Anne Boleyn when she visited France, but Bridget was never cordidal to her, showing clearly who's side she was on, seeing it was wrong for him to put Catherine aside. Bridget visited her niece Mary. Bridget was Queen of France until 1547, when her husband died, and then was Queen Mother until she died in 1550 at the age of 48. She is remembered as a Kind Queen, and a Strong Queen. )

Spanish Princess : Queen of FranceWhere stories live. Discover now