Chapter 1

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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer - Sun Tzu

You would think after being a superhero for nearly five months, my body would grow accustomed to staying up all night catching bad guys. Which, of course, resulted in a thorough lack of sleep on my side.

Well, that's not the case.

I slept away during English period, first thing in the morning and now, leaning against my cool, metallic locker, I'm ready for another nap. The rush of school students' edges passed me, lowerclassmen bumping against each other, and the sounds of slamming steel doors were the only thing keeping me aware. For one, I'm thankful for the hallway turbulence.

"OMG! And she said what?"

I turn my head slowly, with half-lidded eyes, my gaze on Penelope Greene as she gossips with her friends in loud voices. Well, I'd use the term 'friends' pretty loosely, considering half the girls making up her posse are only there because Penelope comes from a wealthy and affluent family. It's no secret – the entire school knows of this little observation.

"Yes! And here I thought he'd actually mean it!" Another one, Riley Diaz, the second-in-command and ultimate gossip queen continues her session, clearly relishing the several attentive eyes.

"Yeah right!" A third girl chimes in, popping a piece of pink gum. Valerie, I think her name is?

"Like that would ever happen, Veronica," Penelope huffs, with a roll of her eyes. Close enough.

"No way," Willow says, her voice so full of attitude and superiority, it nauseates me.

Who does she think she's superior to exactly? The flipping wall?

I shake my head to myself, pushing off my locker and head towards my next class with decisive strides. It's pointless listening to the group of girls dish out their daily dirt. It sickens me that they have a comment on every student who passes by as if they're flawless. I scoff – as if. Everyone in this wretched school only cares about themselves.

You see, at Skylight High, the kingdom of popularity differs from most schools. The social ladders here aren't exactly what I'd call – conventional. Of course, Penelope reigns as queen of literally everything (Prom queen, homecoming queen, even queen bee), the illustrious dispute however, is who stands on the pedestal alongside her.

Harry Talonson or Skye Stingworth.

The latter, the king of nerds is nothing like any other school's valedictorian. Harry might appear as the geek charming, meet-cute, but really? He has the most ruthless side ever, that keeps students at bay, yet they respect him enough to put him on an untouchable plinth. In short, Harry is aloof and vindictive.

Then there's Skye, charismatic, conceited, and all-around prince of hearts. A football legend in the making, Skye is notorious for his boldness, daring nature and most importantly, leaving a trail of broken hearts wherever he ventured.

Like every other school, however, the nerds and jocks don't get along. And given the unintentional rivalry to win over the queen bee, the tensions between the two social groups only heighten further.

"Watch where you're going!" Someone mutters as I avoid the incoming rush of students, and I bend my head, avoiding eye contact.

I bite back an offhand comment, knowing very well whoever they are, they're not worth it.

Besides, the last time I opened my mouth, someone ended up crying and I'd landed detention.

I drop my books off my desk with a heavy sigh, finding my place in the back corner of the classroom, far away from prying eyes and insensitive glares. My short black hair falls across my forehead, the dyed purple tips brushing against my eyes, and I push it back listlessly, my foot bouncing involuntarily on the floor.

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