Chapter 7

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I think, generally, the flawed anti-hero is much more interesting than the normal hero, and that's really what we're talking about here as it relates to outlaws or renegades - Tod Goldberg

"So, you think Chasm works for someone else?" Princess Puma asks, smoothening the skirt of her costume.

I nod solemnly, stifling another yawn threatening to escape my lips.

"There could be a whole grid running," Dex speculates. "We need to figure out what kind of a threat we're dealing with."

Scorpio slouches forward, forearms resting on his knees. "And we still have no information on his motives."

"True," Dex says. "But I have sent in a team to inspect the damage Chasm caused and try to find some clues. I've also asked some of my technicians to study Chasm's gloves."

"That's a suitable start," Blue Hawk chimes in. "But we require a bit deeper digging if we're going to get to the bottom of this."

"I had to call in the cavalry – you guys," the Lighter's boss smiles humorlessly. "To help me investigate."

I lean back against the leathery headrest of the sofa, my eyes on the verge of closing. After checking in with his research facility, Dex called in the troops to discuss our next plan of action in stopping whoever it is Chasm works for. Usually, cases involving dangerous criminals are taken up by the Lighters, but when there are large-scale supervillains, like in this instance, my team is required. After filling in the alpha squad and Dex and my findings dealing with the insignia on the gloves, we were all gathered in the meeting room to discuss our next approach.

"Maybe it's some gang-related thing," Puma cogitates.

Scorpio throws her a dubious look. "I doubt it. The tech used is too advanced for lowlife criminals. And Chasm was pretty souped up for some average felon."

"Could be smugglers?" Hawk voices.

"I don't know," Puma hisses a breath through her teeth.

For once, we all agree – no one knows what's going on. And that's precisely when Dex gets a ring and must rush to his office for an emergency.

"Smuggling from who?" I ask Blue Hawk.

"I dunno, that's what we need to find out."

"But there is a main commander-in-chief, per se," Puma concludes. "We all agree on this?"

"Yeah, sure."


"Why not?"

The blonde girl sighs audibly. "And we all believe that that this person leads a drug cartel, illegal smugglers or a secret criminal orga –"

"Possibly linked to black market dealings," Scorpio adds lazily. "Or some other underground shit."

"Or none of the above," Blue contradicts.

Of course, he does. Always the devil's advocate.

Scorpio glares at him, liquid gold eyes sparking with annoyance.

"Then what do you propose?" Scorpio goads.

Here we go again.

I roll my eyes when the boys start their bickering again. One of these days Blue Hawk is going to mind control Scorpio and it ain't gonna be pretty. That is unless the latter already succeeds in breaking Blue's nose with a wicked punch to the face. Oh, I can already imagine the havoc, Hawk knocking out with a concussion and blood spurting from his face. Or the other way around, in which Scorpio gets mind-controlled into doing something really stupid and embarrassing.

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