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The room was ablaze with sunlight shifting over polished wood walls. Dev's clothes stuck to his skin with each twist of aching muscle as he pushed himself upright, his fingers sinking into the lofty featherbed in Rondan's sparsely furnished guest room. His mouth tasted like blood and excrement, an unwelcome reminder of the previous night. At least Rondan would be out of the villa by now, and Dev wouldn't have to endure another awkward conversation with his hard-nosed captain.

He took advantage of the rare opportunity for privacy, pilfering a sweet bun from Rondan's larder–not that he had much of an appetite–before taking a quick shower and scrubbing his teeth. The improved weather meant less clean water, and Dev felt a twinge of guilt for depleting his captain's stores. Rondan hadn't exactly come to his defense last night, but the man wasn't all bad. Not like Elder Fex... or Calan. At least Rondan hadn't been the one to cry murder.

Stepping outside, it occurred to Dev that he'd never spent so much time at one of the Lightkeeper villas, and he couldn't help but wonder if he'd just glimpsed his future or kissed it goodbye. It was yet to be determined whether one was preferable to the other.

The sky was clear and cloudless, the dry air burning his eyes. It was odd to be on this side of the village midmorning. Usually he was at the sparring field, or making rounds if he didn't have training. The warm weather was no good either, inspiring the opposite reaction one might expect. It was like he'd woken from one distorted nightmare into another, and not for the first time either. The last two days had gone from bad to worse to godsawful.

A flurry of movement in front of the sacral tent caught his eye as he crossed the village. His head was swimming, and it took a moment to remember the commotion wasn't for an upcoming celebration. Which could only mean the Council had already announced Liss' death. It seemed hasty, but Dev had slept in late. If he didn't find somewhere to hide soon, he'd be inundated with weeping juniors. Liss didn't have many friends–come to think of it, maybe he was her only one–but the death of a peer would inspire tears in almost anyone. Especially a violent death.

But where could he go? Not back to the villa. Rondan would return eventually and drag him to Liss' memorial service. And there were sure to be Lightkeepers guarding the mountain crevice. He'd never make it past the entrance. Apart from sneaking into the forest and hoping the changeling bird would show itself in broad daylight, there weren't many options.

A decision was made for him when a small hand tugged on the back of his shirt, spinning him around. Rana's eyes were bloodshot, glittering stone surrounded by pools of despair. She was among the last people Dev wanted to see, and he braced himself for the worst.

"I can get you back inside that tunnel," she whispered. "Follow me."

Dev blinked and blinked, but the look on the girl's face only grew more desperate. "You're serious."

"Yes. That's where Liss went, isn't it? Through the mountain?"

"How did you know?"

Rana shook her head. "Not here. I'll explain when we get there."

Heat from the shining grass and baking cobblestones seeped through his boots as he followed her. The sensation was almost as unsettling as the fact that they were heading farther into the village instead of away from it. Instinct screamed at him to be wary. Rana was the one who'd told Calan everything that happened at the mountain. But a smaller voice closer to the surface whispered a different argument. Rana was Liss' twin; naturally, she would be concerned about Liss' disappearance. The two girls shared blood, and at one time they'd shared their Bearer's womb. Whatever bond lingered between them wasn't coerced or superficial. Maybe Liss only bristled against it because the Council had used Dev as a replacement for a much deeper bond, and he and Liss had been too entangled to notice.

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