S1, EP 11: Year End, New Year!

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It has been two days since Ben's passionate night with Tohru and Elma. I'll spare some more vulgar details, but the girls were more than sufficiently pleased that night. Same could be said about Ben, but he was nearly drained by the end of it.

Right now we can see our protagonist walking through the Oborozuka Shopping District with the dragon girls. Tohru is wearing the scarf and green jacket, that Ben gave her in chapter 4. And Elma is wearing Ben's white jacket and a pair of French fry earrings. Ben is just wearing a regular black jacket.

There are signs and banners hanging everywhere, each saying something along the lines of "End of Year Sale". There is also a large crowd of people everywhere, making Ben and the dragon girls have to huddle close. With those opportunity so present, Tohru and Elma hug either side of him.

Tohru: "This place is completely packed today."

Ben: "Makes sense. It is a big sale that happens every year. Everybody wants a taste of it."

Elma: "Speaking of taste, could we get some food while we're here?" She sniffs the air, and then sighs happily. "The food here always smells amazing."

Tohru: "Is food all you can think about right now?" She scowls at Elma. "There are more important things to get here, you know."

Elma: "Not to me, Tohru."

Before the two could continue to bicker, Kanna noticed a small booth with a couple of people standing around. Someone is currently spinning the raffle drum.

Kanna: "Hey, what is that?"

Ben: "Hm?" He looks over at the booth. "Oh, that's a lottery. You can win some prizes when you spin the raffle drum."

Kanna: "I want to do the lottery."

Ben: "Sorry Kanna, but we'd need tickets to play."

Tohru: "Do you mean these?"

Tohru holds up several lottery tickets in front of Ben, a smug expression on her face.

Ben: "And where did you get those?"

Kanna: "Was it magic?"

Elma: "Or did you steal them?"

Tohru: "Of course not! I got them during my daily trips here to the shopping district. They just gave them to me."

Ben: "Then I guess we can play the lottery."


After three tries at the lottery, the group has won two packs of pocket tissues and a warm Kotatsu. Despite not getting the hot springs trip, the group has managed to make do with the Kotatsu.

Right now, Ben is at work. His seat is between both Elma and Rook, which is for more than one reason. One: To help out Elma when needed. Two: To be able to talk to both of them throughout the day.

Rook: "So, do you plan on visiting your family over the break?"

Ben: "Yeah. I plan on visiting them on the first of the new year. But what about you?"

Rook: "Just the winter Comiket. New years on Revonnah is not for another month."

Ben: "Makes sense."

Ben Tennyson's Dragon Maid (Ben 10 X Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now