S2, EP 2: Hot Guy, Ben!

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In a grassy meadow, three children can be seen running around. One of these children appears to be Ilulu, however she appears much younger.

???: "Ilulu! Ilulu!"

The small Ilulu stops in her tracks, looking behind her to see a large and gray dragon standing over her.

Dragon 1: "Were you playing with those humans again?"

Ilulu nods her head excitedly, a large smile present on her face.

Ilulu: "I love humans very much! They're so nice!"

Dragon 1: "I see. Then perhaps it is time we consider coexisting with these mortal beings."

Suddenly, everything around Ilulu becomes engulfed in fire.

Dragon 2: "Bad news!" A disembodied voice speaks. "Humans are attacking the dragon village!"

The silhouette of other dragons appear in the blazing fire in front of Ilulu.

Dragon 1: "This always happens when we stay idle! Damn humans! They will pay!"

At some point later, the fire has died down, and a large orange dragon stands over Ilulu.

Ilulu: "Where's mommy and daddy?"

Dragon 3: "I'm sorry, my dear. They're.....gone."

Ilulu: "Does that mean I can't play with the humans anymore?"

Dragon 3: "Of course it does!" It speaks angrily. "The humans are the reason that your parents are gone!"

The fiery environment around Ilulu, and it becomes the hustling and bustling city of Japan. Ilulu, now in her present state, looks down at the city below. The voice of that dragon still ringing through her head.

Dragon 3: "Humans will forever be our enemy! We will never come to an understanding!"

As these thoughts linger, theee's only one thing going through Ilulu's head: a slight trace of doubt.


Location: Ben's Apartment

Ben has just entered his apartment, looking around to see that the lights are off.

Ben: "I guess everyone's asleep." He takes off his shoes. "Can't let Tohru or Elma know I met Ilulu earlier. They may go nuts, especially Tohru."

Shortly after Ben walks by the bathroom, the door opens. Ben turns around to see Tohru, her body and hair glistening with water, with only a towel wrapped around her body.

Ben: 'I feel.....weird right now. Like, unbelievably horny.'

Tohru: "Hey, there you are! Welcome home, master!" She takes a couple of steps closer to Ben. "Will you please let me know the next time you're going to be late?"

Ben: "Yeah, sorry." He has a slight blush on his face. "I had to work a little overtime."

Tohru wraps her arms around Ben, enveloping him in a hug, which Ben returns.

Tohru: "It's okay. I just really miss you when you're gone."

Ben: "I know you do, Tohru." He kisses Torhu's forehead. "How was everyone else tonight?"

Tohru: "They were good." She snuggles into Ben's chest. "There's still some leftover food if you're hungry."

Ben: "It's fine. I had a pretty big lunch." He pats Tohru's head. "Now let's head to bed, okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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