S2, EP 1: New Dragon, Ilulu!

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The day has started like any other day, Ben and his family getting ready for the day ahead.

Ben is currently reading a newspaper at the table, Elma is eating at said table, Kanna is at school, and Tohru is sweeping the floor.

Tohru: "Master?" She momentarily halts her sweeping. "If someone were to ask, would you say that I'm the ultimate maid, right?"

Ben looks up from the newspaper, a look of skepticism on his face.

Ben: "No. Why would you ask that?"

Tohru: "You're wrong." She pouts. "I think I'm the ultimate maid, and that's all that matters."

Ben rolls his eyes, looking back down at his newspaper.

Elma: "Just because you think you're the best, doesn't mean you are."

Tohru: "Oh, what do you know, pig!?"

Elma: "PIG!?"

Tohru and Elma presenter foreheads against each other, growling. They aren't always like this, but they do tend to bicker from time to time.

Ben: "Easy now, you two." He turns a page, not looking up from the newspaper. "Don't make me put you two in a corner."

Tohru and Elma grumble as they back away from the other, going back to what they were doing.

Tohru: "Anyway, look at this!"

Tohru holds up a magazine with an advertisement for a Maid Café.

Ben: "A new Maid Café is opening? And it's nearby."

Tohru: "It says all who enter will be served by the best maids!"

Ben: 'Oh no.'

Tohru: "Best maids!?" She whines, her body moving wildly. "Who do they think they are, making such false claims without me!?"

Elma: "It's not that big of a deal, you know."

Ben: "Besides, you're making some pretty far-fetched claims yourself, Tohru."

Tohru: "Then I'll just burn that place to ash!" Small flames come out of her mouth as she yells. "And their business will fail as a result of my crimson flame!"

Ben: "That isn't necessary, you know." He sets down the newspaper, rubbing his temples. "You don't need to burn anything down. At all."

Tohru: "Noted! I shall simply scare off the enemy, and make sure they never return!"

Before Ben could properly respond, Tohru rushes out the front door.

Elma: "Don't you think you should make sure she doesn't.......you know?"

Ben: "Eh, I'm sure she'll be fine." He picks the newspaper back up. "She can be stubborn sometimes, but she typically listens when I tell her to do something."

Elma: "If you say so."


Timeskip: 20 Minutes

Ben and Elma are cuddling on the couch, the latter resting her head on Ben's shoulder.

Tohru suddenly bursts into the room, surprising the two.

Tohru: "I've returned from the mortal beyond!"

Elma, now knowing it was Tohru, goes back to snuggling into Ben's shoulder.

Ben: "Welcome back home, Tohru. Please tell me you didn't destroy anything."

Ben Tennyson's Dragon Maid (Ben 10 X Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)Where stories live. Discover now