S1, EP 12: Ben and Tohru's Impactful Meeting!

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We open up with Ben, Elma, and Kanna sitting at the dining table. Ben and Elma have finished their food, with the former having more dirtied plates. Kanna is currently still eating.

Right now, Ben is scrolling on his phone, with Elma looking over to see what he's doing. Tohru then walks over, carrying a tray with three cups on it.

Tohru: "Your coffee is ready, Master."

Ben: "That's exactly what I needed." He gives his phone to Elma, who stares at it. "Thank you, Tohru."

Toheu: "You're welcome, Master." She sets the coffee down and sets another glass down next to Elma. "And here's your orange juice, Elma."

Elma: "Thanks." She turns the phone to Ben. "What's this "Angry Birds" app?"

Ben: "It's a game you can play." He turns his attention to Kanna. "And Kanna, you're going to have to eat a bit faster if you want to get to school on time."

Kanna nods as she continues to eat. At the same time, Elma is now playing Angry Birds, and there is a joyful look on her face as she plays.

Tohru walks over to Kanna and sets another glass down next to her.

Tohru: "Here you go. I made you some hot milk." She turns to Ben. "Hey, Master?"

Ben: "Yeah?" He looks up from watching Elma. "You need something?"

Tohru: "Well I was wondering if there was something in particular that you wanted for dinner tonight."

Ben: "Hmm." He strokes his chin. "Well, no, not really. Anything would work for me."

Tohru holds up her tail, a goofy smile on her face. Said smile is contagious and Ben laughs a bit from Tohru's actions.

Ben: "Yes, even your tail."

Tohru hugs her tail and giggles giddily.

Ben: "But what about you, Tohru?" He takes a sip of his coffee. "What would you like to eat tonight?"

Tohru: "What would I like?" She places her index finger on her chin. "Omurice, I guess."

Ben: "Ooh, that sound pretty good!" He turns to Elma. "How about you, Elma? Does Omurice sound good to you?"

Elma: "Yeah, it sounds good." She doesn't look up from the phone and continues playing. "Die, you stupid pigs."

Tohru: "Then it's decided: Omurice for dinner tonight!"

Ben: "It's going to taste amazing!" He adjusts his glasses. "Right, Tohru?"

Tohru: "You betcha!" She flexes her arm, placing her other hand on the bicep. "Tohru's on the job!"


After managing to pry your phone from Elma's grasp, Ben, Elma, and Kanna get their shoes on and start heading out the door. Ben is wearing his black jacket, and Elma his white jacket.

Tohru: "So, what time do you expect to get home tonight?"

Ben: "Hopefully not too late."

Tohru: "I hope so, too."

Elma: "Yeah." She drools slightly. "I really want some of that Omurice as soon as possible."

Kanna finished tying her shoes and stands up.

Kanna: "See you later, Lady Tohru."

Ben: "We're heading out too. Just behave yourself, okay?"

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