Chapter 74

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I watch Soap in the living room with Lilly hanging from him  like a monkey. She had taken to Soap as quickly as I had and the little girl seemed to absolutely adore him. I kept a close eye on the pair of them, there had been more than one occasion where they'd snuck off together and glitter bombed an unsuspecting 141 member and Price was impressed a week later to still be finding pink glitter everywhere. Somehow, the pair of them had become my responsibility to ensure that they did not create that much of a mess. Not that I blamed them. I was still in the midst of furnishing the house and for the time being Lilly had been confined to either my room or Bens on base. The little girl had been holding out admirably, but understandable getting cooped up.

I watched as a delivery truck arrived and I looked at my watch. Only three hours late. I roll my eyes and stand up to go greet the drivers, my mask pulled up high and my hoody pulled down low with everything hidden.

"Soap, can you take Lills upstairs please? Make sure she's covered up and out of the way."

"Yes mum," he snickered picking up Lilly and throwing her up in the air, her laughter shrill and excited as he catches her again and takes her upstairs. I open the door to the man who had been about to knock, only to silently snicker at the expression on his face, hand half raised preparing to knock.

He clears his throat with a little cough. "Cerianis Griffin?" His voice takes on a bored tone as if already sick of the proceedings. Though when I speak his eyes widen slightly.

"That's me. Come on in and I'll show you where I want everything."

"Ma'am..." He says hesitantly as if not quite sure what gender I am, and I snicker again. "We're just here for delivery."

"Nonsense. You are three hours past the designated drop off time, not only that but I've paid for delivery and installation."

"Ma'am, we simply don't have the time to make the installations today."

I glared at the man in front of me and pulled my phone out looking for the email confirmation. I found the number at the bottom of the email and stuck it into the keypad pressing dial without a further word to the delivery driver. As I waited for the phone to be picked up on the other end, I noticed a familiar car driving up the street and I smirked wondering who would get to me first. Turns out my curiosity was quickly sated as the call centre picked up before Ghost managed to park the car.

"Hi, yes, this is Cerianis Griffin, order number #103400389, due for delivery and installation today-" I sniff with distaste before continuing. "Don't cut me off. I wasn't done." The irritation in my voice is clear. "I have the two delivery drivers here and I have two complaints." As I speak, I can see the delivery driver start to try and interfere and begins speaking. I put my hand up cutting him off too.

"Firstly, the delivery time has been abysmal, they are three hours later after already making me wait for a three hour time window, and now are refusing to install the items as has been paid for. This is a formal complaint. I am thoroughly dissatisfied with services rendered thus far."

The delivery driver attempted to reach out to grab my phone out of my hands desperately, only for Ghost to step in and block his access to me with a growl. I took note of Ghost dealing with the delivery drivers and now all of a sudden with Ghosts much bigger and scarier frame making the demands, both of the delivery men began unloading the truck under Ghosts supervision. Meanwhile the lady I had on the other end of the phone began to dither. 

"Oh, sorry, I'll see what I can do for you." She began, her voice a fake chipper tone.

"You will be refunding me the cost of installation and delivery." My voice is polite but unyielding. In response she begins to refuse my demand.

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