Chapter 81

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I sat up on the ledge we'd found during our scouting and planning, the sniper rifle comfortable in my hands as I lay prone against the ground.

"Overwatch, sitrep."

"You're clear to enter." I press the trigger with a calm practice and take out the first guard, and then the second. 

"Rog." Prices collected response settles my nerves. I was feeling unusually twitchy. Without Wolf by my side I felt a keen sense of loneliness that had never bothered me before. I grimace knowing that I'd gotten soft having Wolf by  my side for the last six, seven months. Her snarky attitude mixed with her ability to remain silent when I wasn't in the mood had become a constant pleasure I hadn't realised I'd come to rely upon until now.

One of the doors open below and I shoot the person who comes out. "Clutch, door to the right. Grab the key card from the soldier. You should be able to get in and out easy enough now."

I watch from my position as Clutch darts forward, snags the key card and slips into the building effortlessly. 

"Overwatch,  Clutch has made contact we're going in."


"Keep us clear."


I watch as Price and Gaz move across the open space, using the cover of buildings where possible. The door opens up from the inside and Price and Gaz  enter confidently. Clearly Clutch has managed to clear the enemy combatants easily enough. At least we had one of the Dogs with us today. If there were any more hybrids set to be released, Clutch would be able to handle them easy enough with back up.

"Soap, sitrep?" My scope finds the Scotsman easily enough on the other side of the compound. He had the same excited air as a little kid on Christmas getting everything he'd ever wished for.

"They have fifteen minutes to get in and get out, Overwatch. I am ready to blow this place sky high." 

I noticed movement behind Johnny, I line the rifle up and before he even has time to realise he's in danger there's a bullet in the soldiers head.

"Gotta watch yer back better than that Johnny." He turns his head to see the soldier crumpled to the floor.

"I want to be like you, when I grow up L.T." He returns back to his job hands moving quickly.

"You want to be better than me."

"Think I'll live that long?"

"Probably not."

"Good to know you have faith in me, L.T."

I watch as he finishes planting the C4 and moves along to the next location, scanning the area quickly taking down several more targets. At last, the alarms start blaring. I see Johnny's head shoot up, look around and then moves faster, dextrous hands performing work he had done hundreds of times before.

"It's good to have you back on Overwatch, LT."

"Are you telling me, you prefer Ghost being on overwatch rather than me?" Gaz's disgruntled voice comes on over the comms, the strain in his voice evident from the battle their facing in the building.

"Sorry Gaz, but you know Ghost is better," Soap riles him up.

"That's it. I'm letting you get shot next time." I can hear the snarl in his voice and I grin knowing Soap is a shit stirrer of the highest degree.

"I don't think it's about letting me get shot. I don't think you could prevent it if you tried." 

I swipe a hand down my face in amusement as Soap continues to annoy Gaz. Gaz for his part splutters but goes silent for the time being. I know when we get back to base, there is going to be a smack down between the two of them. 

"Hybrids here too."

"Rog. I'll keep an eye out for them up here, doubt they'll release-"

Immediately I regret my words as I see a door open, and several monstrous creatures are released. 

"Soap, get the fuck out of there immediately." I line my rifle up and take down the first of the creatures. It takes more bullets than anything should be able to deal with and by the time I'm done with the first, the rest have spread out. Soap has ignored my orders and moved onto his next target. Coincidentally putting himself even closer to the creatures. "Fuck," I growl, reposition the sniper and aim to keep Soap as safe as I can. "Idiot." They manage to gain ground on Johnny, but eventually I clear the eight, nine feral hybrids before they can step foot near Johnny.

"Knew you'd keep me safe, L.T."

"You fucking wanker," I curse down the comms, eyes peeled for any other hybrids that might be released.

"I knew you loved me, L.T."

Smug fucking prick of a bastard. "Wolf's going to go mental on you for doing stupid stunts."

"Aye, it's likely. Good thing she's sexy when she's angry."

"Clutch says, eew, that's his sister you're talking about."

"Gaz, tell him-"

"He can hear you through my comms, tell him yourself."

"You're sisters sexy as fuck, Clutch. I'm a very lucky man."

I can hear the exasperated amusement from Price when he speaks. "Gentlemen, lets keep the comms clear, aye?"

"Rog," came back the group reply and we quieted back down. Five minutes later Gaz, Price and Clutch all came back topside and made it back to exfil with no issues. Soap finished up shortly after and also made his way back. I cleared the way where I could, Soap finishing up in areas I lost sight of him. When they were all safely back to the exfil point, I packed away the sniper rifle and bipod, and stood up.

I began making my careful way back down to the exfil point only to pull up short. A hybrid I had missed initially had made it's way towards me. I pulled out my pistol knowing it was not nearly enough to kill the creature. My sniper had barely made dents in the damn monsters they had been creating here. 

"Back up. Now." I call into the comms. 

"Clutch is on his way."

Thank fuck for small mercies. If he was anything close to how fast Wolf was, he'd be here in no time. As for the hybrid, it seemed content just facing off with me for now. I wondered if I just remained still if it would be happy to leave me alone. 

Nope, no such luck. It ran at me, head down and I cursed every god above and below that the scientists had decided to mess around with fucking rhinoceros DNA. The two horns on the nose and forehead of the hybrid looked very pointy from where I stood. I waited until the last possible second to duck out of the way, throwing my body to the side. I aimed the pistol and shot towards the body of the hybrid. Fortunately it still seemed to have human skin rather than the rough thick hide of a rhinoceros. The bullets penetrated and almost immediately blood began t trickle down its body. Yet, despite the multiple bullets in it's body, it barely even stumbled.

I emptied the entire clip into it only for it to turn its feral gaze upon me. I swallowed hard and stood up prepared to drive my much larger body into its. Most humans being smaller than me gave me an advantage I was suddenly really appreciating. Then a ball of fur came racing up to the hill and launched itself at the hybrid. Claws snapped out without hesitation and sliced through the throat of the rhinoceros hybrid, blood spraying out from the arterial wound. Clutch let the hybrid go, it's death gurgles not even worth a footnote in history.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "You got here faster than I expected." 

"Ceri might be the endurance runner, but I'm a sprinter. Also, long legs."

I nod, clapping the young man on the shoulder. "It's appreciated."

We make our way back down, Clutch on the alert for any other hybrids that might be lurking around. We manage to make it back to exfil without further incident. Price calls in for the helo and we wait. 

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