Peace Proposal

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The hall was big and well light. Many influencial people that were also part of the underground had gathered there to celebrate with the Mafia Boss , Earth.

Earth steps on stage as the whole place goes silent waiting for Earth to say something. He goes to the mic and taps on it to check if it's working. Clearing his throat Earth speaks up,

"Hello ladies and gentleman I am pleased that you have joined me tonight. You all are my allies and I appreciate that you have been loyal. This party is a celebration for the slay of another of my enemies and his league. I wanted to share a short story on this incident that left me thinking , I have a lot to learn as well.
The second I knew my enemies plans I sent for my left and right hand and told them to finish him off. They are always there to finish any task for me , truly the best duo I have around.

( New and Tay felt proud as their boss praised them)

As those two head for slaying my foe, another of my men , to be precise someone I consider my best man came to me with another suspicion in his mind. He opened up about the reality of the plan and I figured out that the person I was set to slay wasn't even my real enemy. He told me that , my worst enemy is hiding quite near me , ready to cut me down any second. I would be dead without my best man.

( The audience was shocked. They had never heard of the boss's best man. Even Tay and New were shocked that who they went to kill wasn't even the main enemy )

So I would like to thank you personally my boy , you did a good job. Ok now , everyone please enjoy the party."

Everyone clapped at the end of the speech as Earth came down from the stage and enjoyed the party as well. 

After a few hours most of the guests had left and the main gang were returning to their base as well. As they reach the base  , Earth speaks up,

"Tay , New , you both have a new mission."

"Yea sir !", they both say in unison.

"Seems like we are going to be having some trouble from abroad now. Ever heard of the gang Fin ", Earth asks.

"You mean the gang that rules all over America ? ", Tay questions.

"They are divided in two sections right. Right Fin and Left Fin", New adds on.

"Precisely , they are the result of two major families working together. They are planning on coming to Thailand to take over this place as well. I have worked ages to have Thailand under my wing and no foreign body is to destroy that for me", Earth says.

"Just state your orders sir ", New said.

"You both along with my two best men are supposed to infiltrate their land and finish them off", Earth said.

"Have we already tried a peace proposal ?", Tay questions.

"Yes , one of the best men sent the proposal . It explicitly mentioned that they stay in their land and we stay in ours , but power makes any man greedy ", Earth says.

"Talking about this sir , who are the best men ? It's the first time I have heard of them", New said.

"Oh right , you guys haven't met them right. Come to think of it , even those two haven't met each other. Well , it would be best if you all have a proper introduction.
You all should go to Western Gates college fest tomorrow , one of them is going to be performing a song on stage ", Earth said.

"Wait your best man is a college student ?", Tay asked.

"Age never defines talent , know that. He might not look the part but he most definitely is the best at it. His skills are not to be undermined ", Earth says.

Tay and New nod as they head back to their respective homes. It had been a long day and from the next day their new mission began as well. Starting from a new team member.


The fest was huge. Western Gates was known for its extreme extra curricular activities as it believed that studies weren't everything.

"Where are we supposed to find him again", New said.

"The boss said he would perform , let's go near the stage ", Tay said.

"Starting with the first performance we have the one and only cutie boy of the college .....
Drum roll please , Gun Attaphan ", someone announced and Tay froze.

He looked at the stage , as the guy he fell in love with got on stage with a smile , just like the one he had years ago.

New was also halted at his position as he watched the stage.

Gun , so this is where you are now. New thought as he recalled his past lover as well.

Gun smiles as he has a guitar hanging around his neck . He holds onto the mic on the stage as he suddenly makes eye contact with both New and Tay.

With a slight pause Gun finally speaks up.

" The song i am about to sing now is a tribute to my part relationships, if any of my exes are listening please know which lyric is about you", Gun says as he starts to lightly strum on the guitar.

He makes eye contact with Tay as he sings,

" I found a guy, told me I was a star
He held the door held my hand in the dark
And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face
Does he think that I'm the kinda boy who needs to be saved?"

Gun then turns his eyes towards New and makes eye contact with him ,

"And there's one more boy, he's from my past
We fell in love but it didn't last
'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away
And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway
And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you."

Now Gun looks towards the entire audience to not seem too obvious to whom he was singing to ,

"All I want is love that lasts
Is all I want too much to ask?
Is it something wrong with me?
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high?
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
But shouldn't that be enough for me?"

[All I want - Olivia Rodrigo ]

There is a round of applause as Gun finishes the song. Many girls were in tears remembering their past relationships and singing along with Gun.

Meanwhile the two for whom the song was meant for go through a train of emotions of the past when they had the perfect guy right by their side.

Gun gets off the stage as both Tay and New follow him their.

"Gun ", they both call out in unison as they stared at each other. Gun looks at them pissed off.

"How do you know him "
"I asked you first "
"No I asked you first "
"Ugh stop copying me !"

They both argue together.

"Are you guys twins or something ! ", Gun shouts in between.

"No !", they say together again as Gun scoffs.

"Wait so the guy you talked about dating was Gun ", New said.

"So even your ex is Gun ", Tay remarks as they turn to Gun.

"I have dated both of you ", Gun said with his arms crossed.

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