We are not

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"Oh wait the performances ! We need to see the boss's best man ", New suddenly blurted out.

"Shh , don't say that in front of him", Tay whispers to New.

"Don't worry its not like I would tell anyone", Gun said.

"See I told you Gun is trustable", New said.

" I already know he is trustable", Tay says.

"Idiots ", Gun says as the two looked at Gun.

Gun for them , and their past memories was a typical good boy who was sweet to everyone no matter what the scenario. He was pure from the heart and the kindest person in the planet. Even calling them stupid was like throwing f bombs at them.

"That surprised", Gun remarks as he takes out his phone and opens his chat. He turns the phone towards the two as they read the conversation.

Be prepared my left and right man would be there to see you for the inflitration mission.

Sure though it's a shame that the peace option didn't work. Things would be better that way.

You know well Gun , people are greedy.

I understand boss, will meet those two soon. I am excited to meet the other best man as well

Good to know

Tay and New look at each other, then back at the conversation and finally towards Gun.

"You are the boss's best man ", They say in unison again.

"You guys must really be twins", Gun remarked.

"We are not!", they said together.

"Sure you are not , now come on, we need to meet our last guy as well", Gun said.

"Wait Gun, you still need to explain a lot of stuff. How did you end up working with the boss. How did all of this happen", Tay asked.

" Well frankly speaking Tay, it's none of your damn buisness. We have been over for quite some time now, I owe you no explanation", Gun says proudly.

"Fiesty , you have had quite the change of behaviour ", New said.

"Thank u ? I don't really mind this change you know ", Gun said.

"Ok wait. I seriously cannot come to terms with this ", Tay said.

"Well hurry up , we still have to meet the other one. The boss said that he attends the same college. We need to go to the rooftop to meet him ", Gun said.

He didn't wait for a reply and started walking. His ex's walked behind him. Gun went to the rooftop by the back gate cause  he couldn't afford being caught by any students. They opened the door to any interesting scene.

They see this boy standing at the edge of the rooftop staring towards them. He waves and then falls back. Tay and New panic while Gun scoffs.

"Why am I not surprised he is the other guy", Gun remarks.

"He jumped off ", Tay yelled.

"There are mattresses kept at that corner of the building. He wouldn't have died. Well we all have to appear for the planning today , I guess we can meet him there only properly. For now , you both should head back. I need to go back to my stall for the fest", Gun said.

"Are you sure he is ok Gun ", New asked.

Gun sighs as he runs towards the edge of the rooftop and jumps as well. Tay and New coming running towards him and look down to see the layers of mattress there and the comfy landing at the bottom. They sigh a breath of relief when they see Gun get up and walk away calmly with his hands in his pocket.

Following their past lover's instructions they head back to their house to ponder about what had happened. The night came sooner than expected as Tay and New collected at the planning session along with Earth their boss.

"Okay , so I hope you got a glimpse of both my best men today. Let's go on for a formal introduction . Gun come in !", Earth said as Gun walked in the room.

He had a different confidence as he stepped inside. He was dressed in black over all's and his hair were slightly messy adding onto his aura.

"Gun had been with me for the shortest time but the trust he has gained is unimaginable. I met him about 4 years ago and he straight up told me he wants to be a part of my gang", Earth explains.

So one year after we broke up. Tay thought.

Tay leans close to New and whispers,

"When did you and Gun date ?"

"About 8-9 years ago ", New whispers back.

So before me. Tay concluded.

"The next person here is the one that has been with me for the longest time. Off come in !", Earth announced but no one walked in.

Gun slightly giggled at the embarrassing scene before speaking up ,

"He is usually late to things."

" Do you know him well?", Earth asked.

" Well i don't know him personally but he is probably the most famous person in the college. Every professor and student knowns about him. He is what they call the genius manic. He has good looks, good grades, he is good at sports and everything else you can imagine but they say he can be a bit crazy sometimes with things he does. I remember one story, the college forced the kids from the design department to not go home for the holidays because they had scheduled for the annual day to be right after the vacations ended . They needed the kids for preparing the event and all but the kids wanted to go home. He made some kind of mastermind plan that time and all the kids escaped, only those students know how he did it ", Gun said.

" He sure has a unique aura to himself", Earth said.

" He really does, he fits a bit too perfectly for the role of your best man", Gun said.

As Earth talked forward the door opened. A boy in a track pant and Mickey mouse shirt which was very loose for him came inside. His look was completed with messy hair and fluffy white slippers.

"Finally here Off , meet your teammates. That is Tay, New and - "

"Gun right ", Off remarked as he cuts off Earth.

"So you know him as well ", Earth said.

"Yes I do , I had the exam for the computer science extra course , he beat me in that test", Off said.

"I major in computer science", Gun said.

"Even Way your friends majors in computer science, i still beat him. You were the only one I couldn't beat ", Off said slightly salty.

"Ok so we all know each other in one way or the other ", New remarked.

"Well that's good , I will leave now. All your information is kept there. Make your plans and tell me what you would need for it. Gun please compile all the information and give it to me for a review", Earth said as he walked out.

"Where are we going?", Off asked coming straight to buisness.

" America ", Gun said.

"What for", Off questions again this time looking at New.

"To defeat Fin ", New said.

"Do you know the actual names of the two parts of Fin ", Off asked this time to Tay.

"Life and Death groups , that's what they call themselves. Left fin is the life group and Right is the Death group ", Tay responded.

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