Chapter 5/Ace

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Warning kissing in this chapter

Me and Ethan follow the team to a bar. "Never been here" Ethan said "me neither" I say
Someone yelled "shots"
Me and Ethan both said "hell yeah."Cheers to captin who got us to win our first game" we said. Ethan and I get another shot. After that Ethan leaves me to go talk to the blond hair girl. I go up and start taklking to a brunette girl with green eyes.
"love a guy with brown eyes" she said  to me. "Oh yea" I say to her.We go to the dance floor and dancing, until she said her feets hurt then we get a seat. She gets up on to my lap and starts kissing me. 
We started making out "I don't think we should be doing this abs" i say.
"who is abs what the fuck is wrong with you"the brunette girl said
She went back to her group
what is wrong with me, Im never drinking again.
Ethan comes up to me and asks if I want to leave. ''Yeah I do" I say. Do you want to come my house Ethan says. "Sure I'll get us a uber"  I say.
When we get to the house me and Ethan go inside and Abby is there sitting in the living room watching tv. As I move through the living room my eyes glance over her body."What are you guys doing" she said. 'Well if you must know we were having fun. Something you no very little aboutI said. I am going upstairs to go to bed don't have to much fun she said with a smirk. "Get some sleep Abby I said. Oh man was that a hint of a smile I seen on her face as she walked upstairs? "Hey man I am going to hit the sack we have a early day tommorw with practice" Ethan said. "Yea me too" I said as I get comfy on the sofa.  As I am laying there I don't seem to beable to fall a sleep. Alittle while late Iam I hear a noise in the kitchen.
''Hey Abby is that you" I say. "Yea It is" she said. "Why you up I ask? What does it matter to you why I am up"she said? "And why have you been ass and  so intrested in my life all of a sudden "she said? I haven't why would you think that I said? "Why because I make fun of your nerd boy." I said ."He's not a nerd boy. He is my boyfriend thank you very much" she said. As she continues to talk I glid to the counter were she is only mere a feet away from her. I ask "her how long you been with nerd boy then" She replys "with I have been with Kaden my boyfriend for about a year." "Wow I guess it serious"I say. "Well he is complete opposite of you. He is sweet  and nice" and he does't make me frustrated like some people" she said. "Huh" I say. "What is Huh for she asked? "Oh nothing he just sound so exciting" I say sarcasticlly. "Well he is in his own way" she said. As we keep talking I move to fill in the distance as her eyes stare at mine and I think I see a twinkel in her's. As I am mear inches from her face I say Abs "Does he make you tremble when he kisses you?" I say. As I lean in to kiss your lips. She does't stop me actully she seem like she is enjoying as her arms move to my neck and my hand to her waist. Her lips feel like warm peachs and taste so sweet. Now she has her hand in my hair and I pull her even closer like I can't get enough of this kiss. I open up my mouth just a enough to let her slip her tongue in.Can't believe how good this feels it like a puzzle peice has been missing from me for forever until now. Until she pushes me away and looks at me and says what are we doing? "This has to stop"she says  I lift my head I am kinda in shock that I just kissed my best friends sister. "Your right we can't do this I am so sorry this is a mistake' I say. 

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