Chapter 9 Abby

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I haven't felt good for over a week now. I keep telling myself that it is just some sort of bug but now I am not so sure. I started to think about when the last time I had my period I think it was about a week late. Oh no it can't be, could it? Now I am starting to freak out. I had to get to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test. So I got dressed and went to the store. I picked up the easy-read one. I hurry home and make sure that Ethan is still at practice and he is. I as I was taking the test out of the box I started thinking how my life might change after this. How was Kaden going to take it if I was and how this would affect college? Well, only one way to find out and that is to take the test, Abby. So I read the directions on the box of the test it says it takes about 3 mins for results. So I do my business on the test and wait for the results. This is the longest 3 minutes of my life. These 3 mins decided what kind of future I will be having. It's funny you never really understand what each minute of the day has on your future until things like this. The timer on my phone goes off and this is it so I pick up the test in my hand I read the words in black letters pregnant. I can't even breathe for a good minute and my mind is spinning it's like a bad dream right now. I have to get a grip but it is hard I am a senior in high school and I plan to go to an Ivy League school in the fall.  This changes everything. Now my mind was on how I was going to tell Kaden. He is going to flip or maybe he won't. I go to my room and call Kaden as soon as he answers I say we need to talk now please come over. He said he'd be there in ten minutes. So I have ten minutes to figure out how to tell him that we are having a baby. Kaden walks in and sees me on the couch almost in tears and he says what is wrong babe?  

I need to tell you something and I am not sure how you are going to take it. "Sweetheart just tell me what is going on," he said. "I love you so much Kaden but I was late this month and not feeling good so I took a pregnancy test. It came back positive Kaden" I said. "I know this wasn't in our plans but sometimes things happen", I said. What do you mean you are pregnant you said you were on the pill and we used protection every time. Kaden said. With tears running down my face I say you know that those things aren't always 100%. "Abby this isn't a good time for this we have plans I have plans and it doesn't include raising a baby right now", he said. I know Kaden this isn't what I wanted either but it happened. Well, I don't know what to tell you Abby I can't do the whole be a dad thing right now if you planning on keeping it. "What do you mean if I plan on keeping it there was never a question as to whether I wasn't in my mind". I said. If that is the way you feel Abby then you will be doing this on your own", Kaden said. Are you serious right now Kaden you would just leave me and the baby because it's not what you planned for? Abby, I am not the bad guy you think I have a plan and I worked too hard in high school to make that plan work. I'm glad I found out what time of guy you were before I wasted too much time with you I said. "Abby did you think I was going to be happy that you were pregnant because that wasn't going to happen this is a problem that you could fix but choose not to. So you are choosing that future, not me. If you got rid of the baby then you and I could stay on the path that we have planned" he said. "Sorry to tell you Kaden but I am not getting rid of this child I don't need you I can figure this out on my own get the hell out of my house" I said. When Kaden left I went to my bed and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I was still crying and that is when I heard Ethan calling to me that he and Ace were leaving. So I opened the door to say good luck. And that is when Ethan and Ace came running up and asked me what was wrong. I told them that Kaden and I fought. Ethan said you want to talk about it. I said no right now. Ace said that if I need to talk to text. Then he hugged me and I whispered we need to talk when you get back as he let go he nodded. Then they left. 

I am going to have to call Mia soon and talk to her about this. I knew she was going to be there for me she was my best friend. We have known each other since sixth grade. There isn't anything I couldn't tell her. So I grabbed my phone and called her Mia can you come over? She said she be there in a few minutes. Mia walked in saw my tear-filled eyes and asked what happened. So I told her the whole story. Oh my gosh. I can't believe that Kaden ended up being an asshole. I am going to give him a beat down Mia said. I laughed and said just leave it that's his loss. "How are you not going monkey shit on his ass," Mia said. "Mia I can't make him a part of the child's life that is his choice. I can do this to make this child feel loved every day", I said."Oh girl you won't have to do this alone I will be with you. But what will your brother think"Mia said. I don't know he'll probably be disappointed you know he pretty much raised me since my parents moved because of my dad's job to London", I said. Mia stayed the night with me and we watched movies and talked about how great of a mom I'd be. I am so glad I have her in my life and now my baby's life. 

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