Chapter 18 Abby

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"Ace I can't just give up on him he is the baby's father," Abby said." I just want to make sure he doesn't hurt you. And now you're going to have to tell Ethan that I am not the baby's father. So have fun with that." Ace said " Ace it's been a long night and I just want to go home and figure crap out. I'll call you tomorrow." I said.
"OK, sure. Talk to you later. Just be careful." Ace said as he leaned in to kiss me I stepped away and said good night.
The look on Ace's face was hurt and confused. But right now I had to deal with my brother a task that wasn't going to be easy. He hated it when you lie. As I got back to the apartment I saw the light was on in my brother's bedroom. Here goes nothing.

I came back from the gym still mad that my sister was pregnant and with Ace's baby. No, I can't believe that Ace has been my best friend forever. That wasn't like him to do that. And my sister when did she start liking my best friend? I knew when she was younger that she had a crush on him but I thought that was gone.

So did Kaden break up with her because he found out about the baby and that she cheated on him? None of this made sense.
Noticing that my sister was out I went to my room to get ready to take a shower when I heard the front door open. Then a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I said.
"Ethan we need to talk". Abby said. " Funny I was just thinking the same thing. We need to talk about this baby thing. I can't believe that my friend my teammate is the father of the baby Abby," Ethan said. " I know that is what we need to talk about. Ethan Ace isn't the father. We never did anything but kiss once. I just thought it would be easier to have Ace as the father because I know that he would help me." I said. " So let me guess Kaden is the father of the baby". Ethan said."Yes he is. But when I told him he said he didn't want the baby. That the baby would mess with his plans and our plans. I told him I didn't care about that. I was going to keep this baby and figure out how to go to school."I said. " So how did Ace find out that you were pregnant?" Ethan said. "Well when you guys were at your last game he and I were texting." I said. "Well that explains why he blew the game and missed his shots all night." Ethan said.
" I am sorry I didn't tell you. I was worried that you would be mad at me or disappointed." I said." Abs, I love you. You're my sister I couldn't stay mad forever. Yeah, I was hurt that you didn't tell me and more mad at Ace for not saying anything. But now I want to kill Kaden how could he leave you like this? If I see him I am going to beat his head in. " Ethan said." Well Kaden came to me tonight and said that he thought about it and that he wants to be a part of the baby's life." I said "What he has some nerve. After causing all this mess and leaving then wants to come walking back in." Ethan said.' Ethan I want the baby to have a father. And Kaden has a right to this baby." I said. " I would rather Ace be the dad than Kaden, Abby," Ethan said."I get that Kaden made a mistake but don't I owe the baby a chance to get along with the father?" I said." Abby, It is your life but I will be here for you if you need me and I will be a great uncle to the baby don't forget that," Ethan said. Then Ethan came over and hugged me.

It was Thursday morning and I still haven't called Ace back nor has he called me. As I was jumping into the shower my phone texted it was Kaden "Sorry I can't make it something came up". " Grrrrrrrr. Already he is playing games. Telling me that he wants to be a part of the baby's life then ditches us last minute. I don't even bother texting back it's a waste of my time. I get out of the shower and get dressed. Hoping not to see my brother because he would ask about Kaden and I just don't feel like getting into it right now. As I was walking out the front door I spotted Ace walking up. He looks like he hasn't slept in days and that is the way I feel. "Hey, you off to the appointment?'' he asked. "Yes''. I said. "Is Kaden meeting you there''? he said. I looked into his eyes and I couldn't lie to him. I wanted to say yes just so we didn't have to be near each other but I didn't. " No he canceled on me". I said. "What. You can't go to the first one by yourself or any of them for that matter. I am going with you if that is ok with you." He said. "Sure" I said

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