Ace Chapter 17

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The kiss was so hungry and deep the way she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into the kiss was so good I never wanted it to stop. Her hands were in my hair and my hands were pulling closer It was like no matter how close I had her it wasn't good enough. Her body is so warm like the sun and her smell is like fresh-picked lilacs I want to bottle up that smell forever. I am not sure if I can control myself.

This is a kiss and our hands touching even our learning bodies isn't supposed to be this good, is it?

I can't believe I am the one who kissed him. But the way his hands are on the small of my back and my hands in his hair I can't get enough. I have never been kissed like this Kaden never kissed me like this. His was like a wood block hard and cold to point I got goosebumps. There was never any passion behind his kisses not like this. We have a need that seems to never be filled. The way our body reacts to each other is like they belong. And with this all kissing I wonder what it would be like if we had sex. Ace pulled away with his hands on my shoulders. "What's wrong? Why did you stop?"I asked. "Abby I want to keep kissing you believe me. But you wanted to take it slow and I want to respect that. Also, Ethan is still mad."I said." "Ace right now I need this I need you and me."She said. "Well let's walk back to the restaurant and I'll take you to my place," I said. She nodded. As we got back to the parking lot Kaden was there with a few people. As he saw us he came up to Abby and said" Abby can we talk"? Kaden said. ''We have nothing to talk about right now."She said."I see you didn't wait too long to step in my place, Ace. He said."Someone had to step in and be a man because you sure didn't." I said. " Abby I want to talk about this please," Kaden said." Fine Kaden, I'll go with you. Ace, I will call you later. She said. "Abby, are you sure you want to go with him?"I said." Ace, I have to at least try to hear him out for the baby."She said.

"OK, Kaden start talking," Abby said. " So what is going between you and Ace now? Keden said. "What is it any of your business? I thought you wanted to talk about the baby not who I was with. She said. "I do I am sorry. I did some thinking and I miss us." He said. " Well, that is your problem you left me to figure things out by myself remember?" She said. " I know that wasn't nice of me at all. I was scared. I know we had this whole plan about are futures and this was a big shock. I needed time to think and that wasn't fair to you. Do you know how many times I wanted to pick up the phone call or text? Abby I want to have this baby with you I want us to be us again."Kaden said. " I don't know Kaden. You have made it pretty clear that you don't want this baby Kaden. So what changed?" She said." After the fight we had last. I walked past the park and saw the parents playing with their kids. As I was watching them I realized that I wanted that to I could be a good dad and you would be a great mom." Kaden said. " I am not sure about the us part. But I would love it if you would be a part of our baby's life. My first baby appointment is next Thursday. I would love it if you would come." She said." Is Ace coming? I don't think that is a good idea. I think it should be just the two of us at this appointment." Kaden said. "Well, I was going to tell Ace about it. But this time I will let it be us." She said. " So are you and Ace a thing "? Kaden asked. " We are just taking it slow right now. I have a lot on my plate right now with the baby and school." She said. "Well, I'll see you on Thursday". Kaden said.
In the back of my mind, I don't know if letting Kaden in the baby's life is a good thing. As I walked back to where Ace was waiting for me I started to think about how things might be different if Kaden would of been for the baby in the first place. We could of been happy thinking about girls and boy names. But no he had to fight with me instead and say he didn't want the baby. Now he wants me to just forget how selfish he was with his words. As I approched Ace and a worried look on his face." So what did he want?" Ace said."He wanted to talk about the baby. He wants to be a round for the baby." I said. "Funny that he wants to do that now. After all the mean stuff he said to you about the baby."Ace said. "Well I owe it to the baby to give him a chance to prove him self. He wants to go to the appointment on Thursday  with me." I said. "Well I am going with you Abby." Ace said. "Oh Ace, I told him that it could be just me and him this time." I said. "What you told him that you go with him and just him. Abby I don't understand I thought we were trying to see where we were going? Ace said. "I do want us to see if these feeling are real. But I want Kaden to be part of the baby's life he is the father." I said. " Yea he such a great role modle. You know this is all for show right? Abby you mean a lot to me and the baby. I don't see this ending well with you and Kaden."Ace said. 

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