3. Cute

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"Annyeong! Are you all sleeping?"

Mr. Park, the Art teacher from Merganzel Public School and the one among the two teachers in charge of our camp asks through the microphone, making everyone stir in their seats.  

"C'mon, wake up all of you. We'll be at Jirisan National Park in five minutes. Hey! Wake the ones sleeping beside you."

There was nobody beside me. Taehyung was still in the back with the dudes.

"Guys, before we reach there, I'd like to give you a few quick instructions although I'm sure you've been instructed enough from your schools," Mr. Park clears his throat when everyone finally stirs awake.

"Like in the brochure, we are staying tonight at the Blue Hills Hotel fifteen minutes away from the southern entrance of the park. To reach there, we'll have to walk a little and climb a few steps from where our bus is going to stop. So, every one be together. Don't get lost."

"Once we reach there, rooms will be allotted to all of you. We are 38 in total, 15 boys, 21 girls, and the two of us," Mr Park says referring to himself and Miss Choi, the lady teacher in charge from Hangyeore High.

"We have got two single rooms for us teachers and eighteen double rooms for you students."

That means I'm going to share a room with a girl. Oh my gosh!

"After we place our luggage in our rooms, we will meet at the outdoor restaurant behind the hotel to have dinner," Mr Park continues. "And there will be a small meeting after that. You know, just to get to know each other and to tell you guys about tomorrow's plan. After that, we'll directly go to bed because we are starting hiking at 6:30 Am tomorrow."

The students all nod to Mr Park, smiling excitedly. Everyone starts chatting enthusiastically once he places the mike down and sits back in his seat. And I already started regretting about coming to this camp.

Finally, the bus comes to a halt and I look out of the windows to see a rock wall on my side. Anything else was invisible in the darkness.

"We have reached, people! Grab your bags and get down. We are about to start the camp!" Mr Park announces cheerfully through the mike.

Everyone instantly jumps up from their seats and starts grabbing their bags from the overhead racks. I sit in my seat waiting for the girls behind me to get their bags first.

Once they walk away hauling their backpacks over their shoulders, I slowly get up and reach my hands for my bag.

I try to pull it down but it doesn't budge. It seemed to be stuck there in the rack. I again try to drag it down, but it's of no use.

"Let me help."

I turn to see Taehyung standing beside me.

"Uh..thanks..I think the belt is stuck on the edge."

"Let me see," he moves closer to me and tries to pull the bag down. "Yeah, it's stuck there," he says looking down at me before grabbing his own bag and placing it on the empty seat across the aisle. Ara and the other girl had already got down. And there were only a few more people to exit the bus.

"Yaaa! Why isn't this coming?" He groans whilst jerking my bag out of the compartment.

"Quick! They are all leaving," I say.

He moves back and gives my bag a swift pull. To my great misfortune, it comes tumbling down heavily onto my back before rolling down to the floor. I lose my balance from the sudden strike and fall forward, wincing, soon hitting something hard which prevents me from ending up on the floor.

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