15. It's gonna hurt

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Taehyung's POV

"Actually, you don't need to think about it anymore."

"What?" Ara looks at me confused.

"My feelings changed," I say and get up from the seat.

"What do you mean?" She frowns at me.

"I mean, I don't like you anymore," I say.

Her frown deepens and I feel awkward as she keeps staring at me in disbelief. "Were you playing with me? Is this some kind of revenge?"

"No," I shake my head. "People's feelings change. I liked you before but now I don't, just like how you didn't like me before and now.."

"I don't like you!" She snarls.

"Okay.." I nod. "It's settled then. I'll go and sit in the back," I say and grab my backpack, quickly hauling it on my shoulder. Then I walk towards the back, looking for Jungkookie.

I had decided to stay away from him until the camp ended, but I don't think I can do it. I can't bear to see him cry. I can't hurt that poor boy anymore. He is utterly clueless and probably thinks I hate him now. It's just one more day and I just need to control myself a little bit. I can do that!

At last, I see his figure sitting on the seat in the extreme back, leaning against the window. I quickly walk towards him.

"T..Tae hyung?" He sits up straight, quickly wiping his face.

"Are you crying?" I ask and he shakes his head vigorously.

I drop my bag on the floor and slump down beside him, wrapping my hands around his shoulder. He looks up at me and his lips tremble. "I'm sorry for not coming to check up on you during lunch break. I-I was nervous if..." a whimper leaves his mouth.

"Shh..it's okay, I'm not mad at you anymore," I say and pull him to my chest.

"You had me worried, Tae. Don't get mad at me again," he snivels and hits my chest lightly with his fist. His hair tickles me as he snuggles his head into the crook of my neck.

"I won't!" I laugh and pat his arm, only for another sniffle to escape his throat. "You know, you become a meanie when you get mad. You are so childish! I'm not even going to call you hyung again."

"Okay Jungkookah, you can call me anything you like. Tae Tae is sorry." I say, causing him to giggle against my chest, easing all my heartache. A warm feeling overcomes me and I can't help but smile and fondle him.

"Are you happy now?" He asks after a few seconds when his breathing becomes steady.

"Yeah.." I nod to him.

He looks up and smiles at me, brightly. "She sure is gonna say yes."

I didn't know what to say. I just nod and try to smile.

"You might be over the moon right now. Finally, after a month, she's gonna say yes!" He giggles as if trying to tease me.

"Yeah.." I laugh.

"That's why your mood suddenly brightened and you decided to stop being mad at me, right?" He asks smiling. I just stare at him not knowing what to do.

"I'm so happy for you, hyung! Oh! You should go back to her. I'm alright now," he says and move away from me, sitting up straight.

"No..uhm..she said she needed to sit alone to think," I say.

"Oh...okay.." He mumbles. "What does she need to think so much?" He asks as if more to himself, frowning a bit. Then he looks back at my face and smiles. "Anyway she is going to say yes. Otherwise, she wouldn't be giving you hope." I nod to him again.

"Tae hyung, have you dated many girls before?" he asks with a curious look on his face.

"A few," I say.

"How many?"

 I open my palm twice, causing his mouth to part open. "Ten!! Really?!" He squeals in surprise. "Now I know why Ara was hesitating to date you."

"Why? You wouldn't want to date someone who has experience?"

"No! I mean one or two is okay but I absolutely wouldn't date a girl who has ten ex-boyfriends," he says sternly. "Would you?"

I think for a moment. I have never really bothered to check how many exes the girls I went on dates had. But that was cause it was just for fun. I never had any real feelings for any of them. The only girls I thought I sincerely liked was my first girlfriend, Binna who cheated on me when I had Amnesia, and then Ara.

 "I don't call all of them my exes. Some of them only lasted a few days. It's more like dates and not actual relationship," I tell him, matter of fact. I just wanted to spite Binna that I went on so many dates and  pretended dating some of her friends. "So, have you ever dated anyone?" I ask Jungkook.

"No.." he shakes his head and looks away, yawning. "I feel sleepy. I didn't get a good sleep yesterday."

"Yeah, then sleep. It'll be more than an hour before we reach there."

He nods and proceeds to lean his head against the window but I instinctively pull him towards me. He hesitates for a second to lean his head on my shoulder but eventually does it and slowly closes his eyes.

I stare at his face and soon feel my heartbeats increase. Scared I'll do something wrong, I quickly look out of the window.

We were now heading towards the northern side of the park where we are staying at a resort tonight. Mr Park hasn't yet said how many people will be in a room, so I don't know if we'll get to spend tonight together. A part of me wishes I could share a room with Jungkook but another part dreads the idea.

But I know this is going to hurt a lot. Tomorrow at this time, we'll have to separate. After that, we won't see each other again. I got his number but he hasn't got mine. And I probably am not gonna call or text him ever. I don't want to hurt myself any further. This already hurts and I don't even know how I'm going to forget him and move on.

I just don't get how things turned like this, this quickly. Two days ago, I was wondering how I was going to move on if Ara again rejects me but then Jungkook happened and Ara was forgotten. Next, who will come to help me move on from Jungkook? Will there be someone?

I wonder if I'm actually okay.

Yeah, something's definitely wrong with me. I can't understand myself. Maybe this is just another phase and it'll simply pass on. Maybe I won't even think about Jungkook once I'm back at home. Maybe it wouldn't hurt at all.

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