22. Wit and Wisdom

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Jungkook's POV

I stand in front of the floor-length mirror propped up against the wall in my bedroom, staring awkwardly at my reflection. Sure, I look presentable enough. Except for the little dark circles underneath my eyes, everything looks fine, but I still feel nervous as hell.

Leaving a sigh, I grab my coat off my computer chair before quickly slipping into it. After making sure my phone and wallet are tucked carefully away in my coat pocket, I sling my bag on my shoulder and leave my room, closing the door behind shut.

Walking down the stairs towards the living room, I hear the sound of my Dad talking to someone in a reassuring business sort of way. He was sitting, leaning against the couch, dressed in his crisp black suit, his new iPhone 15 Pro Max in his grasp as he chatted during what was no doubt a business call.

He glances up at me as I walk towards the front door and totally surprises me by saying, "Sam, I'll have to give you a call later. My son's getting ready to go out."

I turn around and look at him. "Are you sure you want to go?" Dad asks tucking his phone into his pocket, his eyebrows pulled together in a concerned expression. I look down at the floor and nod my head.

"Look up and use your words, Jungkook," he says, clearly unimpressed with me.

"Yes. I want to go," I mumble, looking up awkwardly.

He lets out a sigh. "Why don't you come with me to the company, if you're so bored at home? I'll assign you some tasks."

"Uh...I just wanted to experience working as a cashier. I could learn to handle money and talk to people... and also read books for free. Er..I said I'll be there at 8:30."

"Tell me how many books you want. I can arrange a whole library here. I just can't understand, why my son needs to work in a bookshop.." He says unbelievably.

"I won't let anyone know I'm your son," I mumble, staring at my feet. I regret saying it as soon as he lets out another heavy sigh.

"Go on. Have a nice day at work," he finally says. I quickly nod to him and turn around, hurrying out of the house. Dad's driver at the porch looks at me and frowns as I start scurrying towards the gates. I avoid eye contact with him and keep walking. No, I didn't want a ride in a Porsche or a Ferrari or Bugatti while I was going to a bookstore to work.

Whoever out there who was ruling the universe must have been feeling particularly fond of me today, cause as soon as I whisk out of the enormous front gates of my Dad's mansion, a cab comes my way and stops for me as I stretch out my arm in sort of a wave.

Our security opens the cab door for me and helps me into the back seat. I breathe an unintentional sigh of relief as soon the door swings shut and the taxi starts moving. Going out was much more simple when I was with my mother back in Japan.

The ride to my workplace was quiet. After telling the driver the address of the bookstore, I spent most of the time, peering out of the window. I find myself thinking about Tae hyung once again as I notice a sports store on our way. He didn't text me. I knew he wouldn't, but I still check my messenger every day to see whether there are any new messages from unsaved contacts.

I don't know what happened between him and Ara. I check both of their Instagram accounts every day to see if they have posted any stories with each other. The whole last week Tae hyung didn't post anything. Ara updated posts and stories with her friends. Tae hyung wasn't even tagged anywhere. Seems like nothing is going on between them.

She might have said no. Maybe he already knew she was going to say no. Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent the whole last day with me and then kissed me. Or did he himself reject her? Maybe he was lying to me about his feelings for her. But one thing I'm sure, he was in love with her when he first entered the bus and came to sit beside me. I don't know what happened after that.

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