01: The New Girl and The Nerd

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theme: My Ordinary Life-The Living Tombstone

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theme: My Ordinary Life-The Living Tombstone


Kylie Brock was just a normal 15 year old teenage girl with long blond hair and brown-hazel eyes as her height was 5'4 as she is mostly somewhat shorter and somewhat taller than other girls her age, as Kylie had moved to Queens, New York just a few weeks ago as she was adjusting to her new life in Queens, as today was the first day she would start at a new school called Midtown School of Science and Technology

Kylie was the new girl and barley didn't even know anyone at Midtown High, Kylie was carrying her backpack on her back as she was looking at her schedule, her locker number and code also as she had gotten these things on the weekend as the principle had told her that she should be fine since it was already two months into the semester and that Kylie would be able to catch up pretty quickly

Kylie was standing outside of Midtown High School, as she was looking around as she saw a lot of people walking and talking with their friends as Kylie was alone and just stood there as the principal had told her that a guide would show her around the school as it was a wednesday, as the principal also told her the name of the guide that would show her around the school and give a little bit of history of the school

Kylie then turned her head as she heard a car honking a she saw a boy driving a car as he had say "What's up, Penis Parker." the boy named Eugene 'Flash' Thompson had said as he then drove off in his car towards the student parking lot as Kylie heard a few kids laughing at what he had said as Kylie then looked towards a boy that fairly looked like a nerd to here, as he had brown hair along with dark chocolate brown eyes as Kylie then looked the other way waiting for the school guide to come as what she didn't know was that Peter Parker had noticed her and was staring at her since he had never seen her around her before

Peter then decided to go up to her as he then tapped her on the shoulder as Kylie then turned around and saw the boy "Hi." Peter had said as Kylie then said "Hi." as it was then silently for a few moments as the conversation had felt awkward as Peter then spoke again "I'm sorry but are you new here? because I've never seen you around here before." as Kylie then responded with "Yeah, I just moved to Queens with my mom, a few weeks and I transfer here." Kylie had explained to Peter Parker "I'm Peter, btw." Peter had said as Kylie nodded her head before he had added "Parker, It's Peter Parker."

Kylie was about to introduce herself, when she and Peter then both heard another, that of a female voice "Hey, you must be, Kylie Brock." the auburn hair girl with light blue-grey eyes named Alina Johnson had said as Kylie said "Yeah, that's me." Alina then nodded her head and gave a small smile as the auburn girl then looked towards Peter Parker "Mr.Parker, why don't you get on going to your locker, beside, I'm Kylie's tour guide." Alina had said to Peter as Peter then said "I-Well, I mean, I can give, Kylie, a tour, since you must be busy....." Peter had said before he was cut off by Alina

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