05: Symbiosis 101

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theme: Shadow Lady-Portwave

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theme: Shadow Lady-Portwave


It was the next day as Kylie was sitting at her desk that she had in her room as she was reading more Edgar Allen Poe poems since she had nothing else to do beside her homework, which since she had finished 20 minutes ago, as it was almost time for school as Ghost was sleeping on her bed as she heard Deyanira talking within her mind "I'm bored and are you seriously going to kept reading this book over and over again, because if you do, I'm like these poems by Edgar Allan Poe."

"Okay, well, what do you suggest we do?" Kylie had asked as she was reading 'The Raven.' poem in the Edgar Allan Poe book as Deyanira then said, "How about we go out somewhere so you can practice your abilities that you have." "Now that you mentioned it, I did say I would do that." Kylie had said, as she then got up and put her homework and the Edgar Allan Poe book in her backpack as she then said "But I do have to go to school first" "Fine." Deyanira had said in Kylie's mind as she was a bit disappoint

Time had passed quickly as Kylie was in gym glass as she was currently playing dodged ball as she kept catching a glimpse of Peter and Ned looking at her as they whispered something she couldn't hear what they were talking about

"Do you think she'll tell anyone?" Ned had asked Peter as yesterday, Peter and Ned had bumped into Kylie and Kylie found out that Peter was Spider-Man "I don't know, Ned, but I'll talk to her after school about it." Peter had said as Peter looked up as he and Kylie made eye contact

Kylie looked into Peter's chocolate brown eyes as she then looked behind him and threw the dodgeball hard at Flash as it hit him right near the right eye as he fell to the ground hard and was groaning in pain "Outstanding, that is one of the many symbiotic abilities you have from me, which is super strength obviously." Deyanira had said in Kylie's mind

The coach then blew his whistle "Flash, you're out and go to nurse." The coach had said as Flash then got up and exited the gym as the game continued as Kylie kept catching dodgeballs that were coming at her and had reacted to them with quick speed and reflexes as Kylie knew that this was another symbiotic ability she had as she then turned over to Jade as Jade said "Parker is the last one." as Kylie turned her head back as she picked up a dodgeball and threw it at Peter as he was the last one on the other side of the gym as everyone on the other side including Kylie was trying to hit him with a dodgeball

Peter then threw a dodgeball to Kylie as she caught it with her symbiotic reflexes as the coach then blew the whistle "Parker, out." as the bell then rang as everyone, the boys and girls then headed towards the locker rooms as Peter stand there as he was shocked by how Kylie was able to react that fast

Kylie sweared that time had pasted by so fast, as she had exited the school carrying her backpack as she then headed towards the wooden area that was behind the school, as she reached an opening as she put her bag down as she then said "Okay, what other abilities can I do besides the super strength and speed?" "When symbiosis is achieved, I give the host access to psychic abilities as well as controlling the elements." Deyanira had explaining to Kylie

"So, how do I use them?" Kylie had asked Deyanira as Deyanira then responded in her mind "Feel yourself using your abilities, think, and do it." Kylie then closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she held her hand out as when she opened them again she sent a huge gust of a wind blast towards the trees as most of the tree leads fell off

Then all of a sudden Kylie heard a voice coming from the right of her "Did you heard that, I think it came from this way." "Leave this to me." Deyanira had said in Kylie's mind as Kylie saw Deyanira's white and red biomass coming out of her as Deyanira had come out as she was in control now as she then turned her head and saw two men in front of her as one of them said "What the hell is that!?"

Deyanira then had a menacing look on her face with her piercing white eyes as she then extended her long extension white hair that had a red steak in it towards one of the men as she lifted him in the air as the other man had run away as Deyanira brought the men she had restrained with her hair as then men was shaking in fear and had a terrified look on his face as Deyanira's tongue came out of her mouth as she then bit off his as she then threw in towards then darkness of a bush as Deyanira then went away as Kylie was back to her normal self

"Why did you do that?!" Kylie had asked as she had seen the whole thing unfold thought Deyanira's eyes when Deyanira had took over "Because, I need human brains to survive, but there is another thing we symbiote eat and that is chocolate because we rely on phenethylamine, because it is only found in brains and chocolate." Deyanira had explained to Kylie "Okay, you are only eating chocolate from now on." Kylie had said as she picked up her backpack and began to walk out of the woods and walk home

As it had been a long day for Kylie since she tested out her symbiotic abilities that she had as it was just the start to what other power she could unlock


Hey, so I'm back, it's been awhile, I was busy with school but I'm currently on spring break so, I'm hoping to upload the next chapter or two before I go back

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a wonderful morning, afternoon or night

𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now