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Romanoff didn't come back that night, not that I really expected her to. It would take her some time and thanks to a very long phone call to Fury, I had all the time I needed.

So the next morning the doctor man, who finally told me his name was Bruce, led me to my room. He didn't ask how I had managed to get a room at the exclusive Avengers compound but I could feel the curiosity and disbelief rolling off of him.

When we got into an elevator he hit a button for 57th floor. "Top five floors are the living areas for us. There's two suits on each floor except the 60th, that's the penthouse and all Tony and Peppers. Cap and I are on the 59th, Barton is on the 58th with Thor when he decides to visit, Natasha is on 57 and so are you now. Not sure how she'll feel about sharing but that's your problem. And the 55th and 56th are guest suits. Each floor has its own kitchen and common area." The door dings open just as he's done talking and as I step off into a living room kitchen combo he says, "good luck," and the doors close, leaving me standing there with no idea where to go.

Thankfully I was saved by a voice from the walls, "good day Agent Cadanar. Agent Romanoff has requested that I direct you to your room."

"Ok weird voice," I say as I look around for the source.

"I am JARVIS and your room is to the left."

Heading towards the door off the living room I open it to find a giant room with the biggest bed I have ever seen. "Damn." I knew Stark had money but you'd have to be rich to afford a bed as big as this one. Flopping onto it I sink in and it's definitely the softest thing I've ever felt. Before I could really start to enjoy it there was a soft knock on the door, "come in."

The door opened and Romanoff came in, looking slightly unsure of herself. She kept picking at the sleeve of her sweatshirt as she stands there. It took a few minutes before she spoke, "I can't just... have sex with you," she finally said.

I nodded, "I know, it's ok."

She stopped and looked at me, "it is? But you'll die if we don't."

"Technically I'll only die if we are apart for longer than a week," I say jokingly. When she went back to pacing I stood up and tried again, "look, this isn't what either of us wants. I've spent my entire life actively avoiding peoples eyes because I was afraid this would happen. And now that it has I'm even more terrified," I admit. "But I'm also relieved. Because now I can actually look at the world in all it's colors and not have to worry that some random person is gonna be my Bond."

"But I am a random person!" She exclaims, turning to me. "We don't know each other and it's not like we are friends. I think we even actively hated each other at one point."

"So let's fix that."

Her eyes narrow slightly, "how?"

I give her my best smile, "go on a date with me."

"A date?"

"Yeah, a date. You know when two people go out and get food, maybe see a movie and talk, get to know each other."


My smile falters slightly, "why not?"

She crosses her arms as she says, "I don't date."

"Like ever?" She shakes her head slightly, "so you've never been on a date?" When she shakes her head again I can't help but laugh slightly, "these idiots."


"These people are idiots. They get to be around you all the time and they've never asked you out."

At this I almost get a smile from her, "they ask, I just don't go."

I sit back down on the bed, "smart. I've seen pictures of some of the men around here and I don't think I'd go either. Although, I have heard a rumor that you and Bruce hooked up a while back," I tease.

She made a face at that, "absolutely not."

"Ooh ouch, no hesitation there. Poor Bruce."

She groans and rubs her eyes, "he kissed me once at a Christmas party. I don't even like men and I told him that but he still has hope."

I gaze at her, "good to know."

She looks at me confused, "what is?"

"That you don't like men. It's good to know for sure."

"You didn't know for sure? And you still asked me on a date?"

"Of course I did. Despite your previous statement I never hated you," I tell her. And it's true, I never hated her, not even close. "Sure I was annoyed most of the time at being roommates but I'm like that with everyone."

"Yeah the fourteen roommates kinda tipped me off."

I give her my best innocent smile, "what can I say, I have high standards."


I give her a pointed look, "and extremely good taste."

"Mmm yes, the twins are definitely good taste."


This time I got a chuckle, "you never heard the rumor that you were dating both the Maximoff twins?"

"Oh yeah, not a rumor. 100% true." Romanoff tried so hard to keep the shock off her face and when she failed I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm kidding! I could never date the twins. Not my type."

"So what is?"

"Go on a date with me and find out."

She almost looked like she was considering it until the voice in the walls started talking, "Agent Romanoff, your presence is requested in the conference room."

"Gotta go," she said as she headed for the door.

"Is that a yes on the date?" I called after her.

"Nope." She said as she closed the door behind her.

All the Colors of Earth (Natasha Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now