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Four Years Later

June 4th,  2019


Turning in shock I look over at Olympia, the twins doing the same. "Did she just?" Wanda asks.

"I think so," I say slowly. Going over to her I sit down across from her and tap her toy, "what's this detka?"

"Blue," she says again, almost to herself.

Smiling I say, "that's right, it's blue. Good job love."

"Wait... does this mean that she Bonded to someone?" Pietro asks confused.

"No, she's too young," I tell him. "Marz explained it once that it's triggered by puberty, same with her powers if she has any."

"She'll have them," Wanda says with certainty.

"How do you know?"

She shrugs, "I can feel them. She'll be strong."

"Well that's not ominous," Pietro mumbles.

A knock on the door made us all look up, "you expecting anyone?" I ask them. They both shake their heads and I get up, "Wanda," I nod towards the door.

She concentrates for a second and then goes back to her knitting, "it's just Clint."

Going to the door I open it to find not just Clint but also Steve. "What's going on boys?"

"Hey Nat, sorry to bother you but we need to talk," Steve says solemnly.

Standing aside they come in and we head towards the kitchen. Once seated at the island I ask, "what's this about?"

They give each other a look before Clint answers, "the Red Room."

My jaw clenches, "what about them?"

"We managed to capture a cell of widows," Steve tells me, "and we need your help breaking the mind control."

I won't lie, part of me was conflicted. I wanted to help my sisters, but I had also made a promise to my daughter that I wouldn't do anything to make myself a target to anyone. Shaking my head I tell them, "I can't, I'm retired. I'm sorry boys."

Clint pulls out a photo from his pocket, "this is one of the Widows we captured."

Taking the picture I stared at the familiar face that I had long thought to be dead, "Yelena."

"You know her?" Steve demands.

Looking at him I slip the picture in my pocket, "she's my sister, they all are."

"Nat," Clint says gently, "she needs you."

"So does my child! What if someone finds out about her because I do this? I can't protect her from the entire Red Room."

"You aren't alone Nat, you have us," Clint says gently.

Steve nods, "we wouldn't let anything happen to her."

"I'd like to see them try and get through us," Wanda says loudly from the other room.

"Please Natasha, you're their only hope," Steve begs.

"I'll help with Yelena, but the rest are yours," I tell them. "It'll be easier for me to get through to her."

Steve stands up abruptly, "we should get going then."

I shake my head, "I'll be there tomorrow morning."

Steve looked like he was about to argue but Clint stopped him, "we'll see you tomorrow."

I stay at the table after the boys leave and Wanda comes to join me, "so who's Yelena?"

"My sister."

"Aren't they all your sisters?"

Glancing up at her I sigh, "she's my real sister, my little sister to be exact. I thought she was killed years ago but I guess I was wrong."

"Do you think that you can help them?"

Rubbing my head I mumble, "I don't know. I'm sure they've made some upgrades to the mind control since I've been there."

Wanda comes and puts her hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "if anyone can help them it's you."

"Thanks Wands."

"BLUE! BLUE!" Olympia screams from the next room.

"Pietro give it back," Wanda scolds as she goes into the other room to presumably wrestle the toy away from her brother.

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