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July 18, 2014

Cameras flash as we stand on stage behind the president. The entire team was in uniform, even Fury had made an appearance.

After Paris, we'd had no choice but to brief the president on what was going on. Especially since the Daxomites had all but invaded. So far they've only flown over the cities and hadn't actually put boots in the ground, but the worlds leaders were still on edge.

Hence why we were here. It was supposed to give the people reassurance that if the Avengers were on the case, then everything would be fine. But the truth is, we were as worried as everyone else.

In the weeks since Paris, we'd been looking for Marz but so far having no luck. We knew that she was still out there though, why else would the Daxomites still be looking.

After Steve had told the others the new plan, they'd been understandably angry. Tony had shunned me for a few days and Bruce had acted like a kicked puppy, while Clint had only smiled and joked that it was about time I put my foot down.

Even Fury, once I'd threatened to go awol, got onboard saying that he didn't want to lose a top agent, but we both knew that he liked Marzda and wanted her back.

The only person who seemed to have a problem with our plan was the president.

"We will not let the actions of one individual," he says loudly into the microphone. "Affect our entire planet. We will continue the hunt for this fugitive and once she is found, she will be turned over to the Daxomites."

He finishes his speech and heads off of the stage, all of us following him.

As soon as the door closes behind us, Steve starts, "Mr President, we can't work with the Daxomites."

"And why not," he argues.

"Well for one they are world killers," I retort.

He turns to me, "all the more reason to make peace with them and get them to leave."

"Who's to say they won't kill us all once they have her?" Steve asks. "We don't know anything about these creatures and the one person who does, was so afraid of them that she went into hiding."

"Oh yes, the other alien," the president sneers. "The one who brought all this on us. Where are we on finding her?"

"Nowhere," I answer quickly. While not technically a lie, we did have one lead.

His eyes narrow at me, "and you wouldn't be lying to me, would you Agent Romanoff? Your relationship with the alien is well known."

My jaw clenches, "her name is Marzda," I tell him. "And no, I'm not lying, Mr President. We don't know where she is."

"I think I'll let someone else tell me that," he says as he turns to Fury. "Well?"

Fury sighs, "Romanoff is correct, we don't know where she is. But we are looking Mr President, of that I can assure you."

"Well look harder," he orders. "Either you find her, or I'll order the military to. And they won't be so nice."

"They'll never find her," I scoff.

"Nat," Steve warns.

"No," I say, cutting him off. "If you really think that we, the people who know her best, can't find her, then by all means, take us off the case. See how that plays out with your little supporters."

Steve comes and grabs my arm, pulling me from the room, "enough!" He hisses to me as he shuts the door. "What has gotten into you? Telling off the President?"

"I'm just so tired of everyone acting like this is her fault when it's not," I half yell. "It's ours!"

He's silent for a moment before saying, "you've got to forgive yourself Nat."

"I can't!"

"Then go home and cool off," he orders. "You're suspended until further notice. I suggest you use this time wisely. We won't be back for at least another week."

I nod once before turning away from him. The presidents threat bouncing around my head. I couldn't, wouldn't, let the military find her.


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