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Thanks to Bruce, Natasha did not die.

After spending several days in the infirmary she was finally able to move back into the apartment under the condition that she stay in bed. Natasha, however, had different ideas. By the fourth day I found her trying to do push ups and by the end of the week she was trying to sneak out to go train. So to keep her in bed I promised her a different kind of physical activity, provided I do all the work. But that only kept her in bed a few days, and that was with the aid of handcuffs.

Finally after ten days I'd had enough, "let's go out."


"Yes, there are some things I need to do and I could use your help."

She looks at me suspiciously, "what things?"

"You'll see," I say as I get out of bed, "be ready in twenty minutes."

"Ok," she mumbles as she goes to her room. Twenty minutes later we are riding the elevator down to the garage and I head over to one of Starks cars. "Tony is going to kill you," Natasha grins when she notices what car I'm heading towards.

"He never drives it," I tell her as I slid in and close the door. When she's seated beside me I start it up and smile as it purrs. "Besides, gotta look the part for what we're doing today."

"What are we doing?"

"You'll see," I tease as I slam the gas. The car shoots forward and we race out of the garage and swerve onto the street, causing several honks.

"Jesus! Where did you learn to drive?" Natasha asks with slight panic. "Wait, are your eyes closed?"

I laugh, "maybe." They most definitely were but I could see everything, including Natasha bracing herself in the seat. It didn't take long to get to the other side of the city and I stop in front of a bank. "Stop number one," I tell her as I turn the car off.

We get out and she takes in the building, "a bank?" When I nod she looks immediately concerned, "Marzda we are not robbing a bank."

"The fact that that's your first thought just shows how little faith you have in me," I joke. Heading towards the door I open it for her, "after you." She crosses her arms and I try again, "I'm not robbing it, I promise." She gives me a look but walks through and as soon as I enter we are greeted by a man dressed in a nice suit.

"Miss Marzda, welcome back!" He exclaims happily.

I smile at him, "hey Malcom, how's it going?"

"Very well thank you." His eyes drift over to Natasha, "and who is this beautiful woman?"

"The reason we are here actually," I tell him. "Shall we?"

"Absolutely," he agrees as we head towards his office.

Natasha puts her hand on my arm, "Marz what's going on?"

I give her a loving smile, "you'll see." Once we are seated in his office with the door firmly closed I explain, "Natasha this is Malcom, my financial adviser. Malcom this is Natasha, my wife." To say Natasha was stunned would be an understatement, she didn't even try to correct me.

"Congratulations!" He tells us.

"Thank you, and that actually is what brings us in today. I'd like to add her onto my accounts and open one for her, as well get copies of my holdings and assets."

That snaps her out of it, "I have my own accounts," she tells me softly.

"Don't argue," I tell her. "Our line of work is dangerous and if something happens to me I want to make sure you're taken care of."

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